Blizzard says 80%+ will quit and that's why layering is needed

So take layers which are by design supposed to be mostly hidden and hardly noticed, which in practice on the stress test was the case and make them glaring and in your face obvious so a few people cant possibly farm a few extra nodes in an economy with twice as much demand for those nodes…

this is what has ALWAYS happened with wow, from vanilla up through bfa

most people that try the game dont last, thats why the are doing this

Except they have not codeing a system to chose, or even KNOW by iD your layer.

Not just wow pretty much every game that has released for the last few years

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You would never see what is happening in another layer. The only connection is the AH.

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I don’t know anything about FF games. I’m only talking about WoW here, and I’m comparing it to it’s own performance over the years.

If it’s continously implied by most people who settle for layering that it’s needed because “it’s a necessary evil”, it implies strongly that they assume that without it, Classic is very likely to fail.

Look, i’m not trying to adress you specifically in my opinion here, and others who happen to deviate from my examples.

Seeing as the discussion right now is really big, i’m not going to try to adress each and every individual case specifically in my posts just to make sure to not accidently miss out on 1 person who deviates from what currently is the clear standard.

That’s why sometimes i will use generalizations or where necessary, add hyperboles to get my point across, like most people do and should in fact if they have solid ground to stand on. Those are common rhetoric tools which perfectly fine to use at your own will. It’s what it is. :wink:

By the way, if they made it so that you can’t invite people from other layers then they’re just separate servers that are predestined to be merged. So these people who think that turning off layer swapping fixes things - you’re right, it would, but only because it’s the same thing as having 20 servers instead of 5 servers, which comes full circle to just doing things the way every other game does

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Oh you are arguing for full servers and mergers which are far more disruptive and requires more work, and people want even less than layering…

Ya they knew about that early on and its been adamantly rejected as a possibility because people do not like server mergers.

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i have actually enjoyed a lot of games that came out pretty recently but i dont play them for years either. personally i dont see that as a bad thing, i like trying something new, playing it for a while and then moving on

This is a good idea too. Especially if the population grows and we don’t see a huge drop-off. Then just take a few layers and peel them off.

The only downside and I am not complaining, just trying to look ahead, is some people will complain about losing their server names. They always want to complain about something :slight_smile:

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After the first few weeks (like they plan)? Hardly disruptive. Most players won’t be 60 yet.

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I was not saying its a bad thing, just how modern games work. You see the new game get a huge hype have a massive opening and then the hype fades after a short while and players drop and the game stabilizes around a core of people who like it while the majority move on to the next big game.

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Please, we are finally making some headway and talking about actually solutions and not just yelling at each other.

Can we knock of the broad strokes long enough to work as a family?

I wanted to pull this out and address it. Over generalizations only server to alienate and try to dominate the conversation without leaving any room for true discourse. It’s not a wise or valid form of discussion as it often leads the opposing party to either lash out defensively or cour away into a corner. Neither truly prove your case, but for some who use this tactic, often make them believe they are right.

That never leads to an accurate gauge if you won.

We should be working together. We will argue and we will spat, Both sides will use over-generalizations at times, but it’s not really healthy to a good honest conversation.

Thanks for listening.

And I do value your opinion. As we all talk here we agree more than disagree. If we could just get past our blustering… That includes even me. :slight_smile:

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you mean all of the upsides of layering with none of the downsides?

no phasing in/out, being able to hope for node farming or pvp escaping.

no queues because more layers

people don’t like server merges because you get to be Nubling - Jaedenar instead of just Nubling. Blizz never did merges right, which is what layers can accomplish. and it’s not disruptive to merge a dead server to another, it’s too dead to have an impact

yeah, it is like have predetermined merges, but this way is more cost effective than that

in case you didnt know, blizzard really doesnt like merges, its an absolute last resort to save realms on the brink of death

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SWTOR used to give a warning when joining a group in a different layer. Chat was all merged however so you could read in chat “looking for more xxxxxx” you ask to join, you get the layer hop message and you move over.

If you add in a GY port and having to be out of combat this would work to fix most exploitive behaviour. And cross layer chat would make the world seem more alive and remain social.

The upside of layering is that you can quest easier in a preserved, condensed environment that doesn’t have lots of players. The downside of layering is that you’re playing in a preserved, condensed, environment that doesn’t have lots of players. Also people can vanish to another phase if they’re being ganked and also abuse spawns.

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Blizzard says 80%+ will quit and that’s why layering is needed

Blizzard Says, huh? Where have they said that? I am pretty sure the only official statement made, unless I have missed something new, was that Blizzard is using layering to smooth out the initial launch spike of players and once things smooth out a bit they will be disabling layering.

Layering will only be used for a couple of weeks or maybe a month at the start of Classic WoW, in order to balance the huge influx of players in the same zones. Once the situation reaches a controlled state, it will be completely disabled and realms will once more have one instance of themselves. Layering also will not happen after Phase 1

If you are going to make a thread titled “Blizzard Says” in terms of anything, you really should have sources backing that up. All I see right now is your own opinion being passed off as “Blizzard Said”


they may not have said that specifically about classic, but they have said that about wow before. it has always been true, and probably will be for classic too