Blizzard says 80%+ will quit and that's why layering is needed

When Ion says they’re adding layering to avoid server merges and empty servers, that’s lawyer talk for preparing for everybody quitting

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LOL. Layering is why they are leaving in the first place. Get rid of it.


You comprehensions skills are bit off, where are you getting this 80% will quit?

Ah, thank you for ignoring my point and asserting misplaced superiority predicated on green text in a dead game

When Ion says they’re adding layering to avoid server merges and empty servers, that’s lawyer talk for preparing for everybody quitting

To elaborate, every server will have 5 phases that hold 3k players. To turn off layering, that means there is only enough players to fit 1 layer, one realm. That means going from 15k per server to 3k per server. That’s in the ball park of 80%+ quitting

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I also posted an alternative to layering earlier in another thread:

I’m completely up for that as long as both sides treat eachother as such.


Where did they say that in the video you linked?

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I love this part as well. It’ll only be a couple weeks… or well, maybe twice as long as that, but no promises except that it won’t last until Phase 2 which starts a few months after release… so yeah, only a couple weeks but maybe a few months, we’ll see.

Such nonsense. The art of saying nothing.

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Some just dont know when to stop.

See ya all in another thread… This one is played out. .We were making some headway… but oh well


No, it’s so after 80% quit we don’t have a bunch of servers with 20% pop on each.

More servers would be needed to fit the pop without layering or the same number of servers with a player limit imposed which would keep 80% of the players from being able to play because they’d be locked out of full servers.

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If anything it’s jealousy. Not many, if any of the original programmers are left at blizzard from vanilla wow. They think we like their current game better then that of their predecessors. How many time have we heard over the years “you think you do, but you don’t”. If classic surpasses retail it’s a slap in the current staffs face as far as game design goes. We shall see though, but it almost feels like some of the decisions that have been made have been directed to purposefully upset people into either not playing classic, or sticking with retail so we can get the eventual “see we knew you didn’t really want it”. Even though the game has quite a few changes from what people have been asking for all along. Maybe it’s just me who sees it this way though. I’m still going to play it though.

This is what’s stupid. Again, if that many people are going to quit that quickly then you can just avoid the issue entirely with server queues. Yeah, waiting an hour to play sucks - but it doesn’t harm the game in any way. Every notable and successful game has used server queues and it’s successful every time. The ‘tourists’ that BfA players have self identified as won’t wait an hour just to ‘check it out’. After several days, the queue is gone and you have stable servers with no phases.


Yep, up until those people who you assume won’t wait in que are clogging up the que. I’m sure people who have waited for Classic will absolutely be happy being told they can’t play because there’s a 6 hour que (making some not be able to play at all that day because they only had 5 hours to play that day) and those people totally won’t rage all over the forums about how much Blizz hates them and how Blizz is catering to streamers cause they saw one got in and how much Blizz ruined classic.

Old School Runescape lost 75% of their initial player base in the first 90 days. Fairly sure Blizzard is expecting the same thing is going to happen. If they don’t then they are going to be very pleasantly surprised and most likely would consider adding more servers. It is not like Blizzard wants classic to fail. They are just being realistic.


Logic, here?



There will probably be at least one server that retains an abnormally high amount of players until phase 2, even dwarfing servers like blackrock. Players will go from 0 queue times to 5hr queues in an instant and the salt on the forums will be crazy.


at this rate layering is going to cause 80% of people to quit. nice one blizz!

Layering, loot trading, non-language based EU realms, you name it. One bad decision after another. The game is going to launch with like 100 players at this rate x-D.

Was wondering the same thing. Why would they say that? Not very good PR.

Past performance can usually be used to predict future behavior.

Vanilla WoW had something near an 80% quit rate by level 20. Something like 60% never get past level ten. IIRC by the time you hit level 60, nearly 90% of the people who started had stopped playing(or had started leveling something else).

And those numbers were from when Vanilla was “in its prime” there is not much reason to expect it to do much better today, for numerous reasons many (mostly BFA) players have been pointing out. Yes, there is a substantial core audience that is likely to see it through to the end, and they’re likely to number in the hundreds of thousands, possibly up to a significant fraction of a million players per region. But that doesn’t address the millions who are going to be curious enough to give it a try (again in most cases) and are likely to zero in close to the launch window because they know that’s where “most of the energy will be” if they decided to stick with it.