Oh they are right, 80% will quit, but not for the reasons they think.
The exact opposite of what I thought would happen is happening.
The post-MOP retail crowd that ruined retail, I thought would be gone from classic at this point leaving true vanilla players.
I was wrwong.
The toxicity and ptrophy complexes are driving those people out and the retail crowd is still around. I guess we underestimated how bad they ruined retail.
I’m already done. Every single person I know that came back is pretty much gone. Some are still clinging to that “1 night of play for raid night” thing but that’s like a long distance relationship. It lasts 1 month. I tried that these last 2 weeks and found I didn’t even feel like logging to raid. I literally spent last night’s raid night playing a game called Anon I stumbled onto.
Personally I’ve gone back to FF14 and also bought Division 2. Both are keeping me busy. Sitting here in queue right now in FF14 waiting for it to pop.
I’ll come back and try this again if and when it moves to BC, maybe a tad earlier for Naxx, but I doubt the toxicity will be gone.
No one is claiming anything else kid but the current RATE OF POPULATION DECLINE means your statement won’t be true for long. My guild was about to start up it’s 4th raid group, just a tank and healer short. That was 3 weeks ago. Now we barely have 2. Each Sunday the GM purges 30 day inactives. Each sunday it’s 15-20 people going bye-bye. And this is an alt-free guild. No alts allowed except the designated guild bank toons which total 5. So those are unique accounts.
understand now?
I can pull out some crayons and construction paper and diagram this out if that helps.
I hate fanboiees who sit their in blind denial and spews fake news with no credible source for their data.
He’s not wrong about the population. (Though his other points are pure hyperbole.)
Blizzard said they would substantially reduce layering when the population declined.
Layering has been reduced, hence we can conclude that the population declined as expected.
NOTE: I am not saying, nor am I buying into the narrative, that Classic is dying. It isn’t. Realms bustling with people now that layering is nearly deactivated, would indicate otherwise.
HOWEVER, it is obvious that it isn’t nearly as populated as it was when every realm was layered on a daily basis. To claim otherwise is simply blind fanboying.
It is in everyone’s best interest that World of Warcraft succeeds. For if one half of it fails, the entire thing is going to come crashing down.
One thing that is telling, is people’s ignorance. You all act like WoW Classic is this brandnew thing that no company has ever tried before. Its not. Everquest has had this sort of thing for 13 years. WoW wasn’t released when SOE first ran a testbed for a Classic/Progression server.
So layering. Also not a new thing being done on these sorts of servers. Several years ago, when Everquest begain its latest line of progression servers, they knew through the betatesting of the new server hardware that the response of players was going to be more than the game could handle.
Not the new servers mind you. They would be able to handle the loads. These servers were improved over even their live servers. But the game content itself would not. You’d have entire zones devoid of NPCs while the players kill everything in sight.
They introduce a feature like layering, it was called Pickzone. It was named that because of the /pickzone command used to utilize it. When players enter a zone and it reaches a certain capacity (determined by how many mob camps are in a zone, and by how many players in relation to that) it opens another instance of the zone.
When you zone in, you are placed in one of those instances. Once every 10 minutes (maybe 15 or 20, I don’t remember exactly), you may use the /pickzone command to switch instances.
Was this feature only a temporary one? No. It still exists on every progression server and even works on live if there’s enough people in a zone to trigger it. The point I am making here, is that many of you are ignorant.
Layering is like Pickzone. Its not a temporary thing. Despite what Blizzard has said. Layering will remain and simply be a dynamic feature activated by the server once it reaches a defined threshold.
There are still 7 layered realms… most are high status atm, and this is Blizcon weekend, and 3pm on a friday (noon on west coast) I’d say Classic is doing great actually. So is retail.
They definitely both support each other for a great cause - new content. I dont understand the classic folks hating on retail, without retail there is no classic.
Pretty confident the realm populations are being lowered for phase 2.