Blizzard says 80%+ will quit and that's why layering is needed

Which as much as people yell at activision blizzard, is probably going to lose blizzard money compared to letting servers die and charging people $30 later.

They may charge. Might handle it like they did then with free transfers/migrations at first. Which is basically giving every one $30 services for free.

I’m saying in a world without layering an out of 250 realms, 170 die or whatever, blizzard would have made more money from transfers. With layering and like 50 gigarealms, the chances of one dying is very small.

You do no that wow once had moor than 20 million players you are assuming that only bfa players will play wow what happens if every person that ever left wow for one reason or another return not saying this will happen but it is a possibility

No, it peaked at 12 million active subscribers. If you mean total accounts, its over 100 million.

No, I’m assuming that BfA players will all try Classic. The majority of players who I expect to still be playing Classic after 3 months, would not be subscribed right now, except maybe in preparation for Classic. I’m personally in the minority.

That all depends on whether they left because they hated the direction the game was going, their life situation changed, they got bored of MMO’s in general, or they died in a car accident.

Many of those people will try it again for nostalgia, and then decide that its not for them, for the same reason they left in the first place.

You are assuming that people quit because the game changed in a way that they didn’t like.

I’m not saying they all did but I know I did and their are moor I’m just saying know one rille knows what will happen it’s all guesses

Asking such a question is ridiculous. Not everonye who once played will evne try Classic. Lives change. I do think Classic will be a bigger success then Blizzard believes it will be, but selling it short to their shareholders only for it to be big, is going to increase their stock.

There are wild guesses, and there are educated guesses based on statistics and common sense application of those statistics.

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Even still even wow can be wrong only time will show the truth

If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail. “No-one knows” isn’t really going to help determine the best path forward.

Yes you can plan but you better be ready with a back up plan

I never sed it would or will I’m saying it culd happen you never know

And I’m saying I do know the scenario you stated will never happen.

I know right? People like us have harassed Blizz for over 10 years to re-release Classic servers, and when they finally do these retails junkies are already trying to ruin it and are telling us to “wait our turn if we want the old Classic” after they’ve had their fun with horrendous QoL additions.


You don’t know squat what you will find out is how big the vanilla group is you waite and see I promise you will be shocked

Probably the most annoying part about layering will be chilling at the BRM gates looking for some PvP, but the biggest guild on the server just slips by on a seperate layer and there’s nothing you can do about it except stare at the empty zone

Indeed which is why I’m in support of layering, we can assume a vast number of people that are currently subscribed will at least “try” Classic since there’s no added cost and would be a minimum target audience to aim for.

So, using a 2-3 million guess, that would already require some proactive solution as you mentioned, but the number past that are only guess work and trending reports from other sites such as Gaming Websites, Trends, Facebook, Twitter would need to be leveraged to even come close to figure out non-subscribed tourists and players that will also join in the fray.

I’m glad they are using their past troubles and experiences, acknowledging that it may blow up or barely make a mark and layering works in both situations for the initial launch flux.

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There is a backup plan…

Extra Realms and Server Transfers, if the game is more successful than believed. At worst, a coordinated server split.

Adding those realms before its shown we need them…is a guaranteed way to fail. The last Stress Test should have been a wakeup call to people claiming that the game will grow on its Wrath numbers from Day 1.

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Yes…80% will quit BFA to play Classic! Blizzard is correct! :wink:

For leveling in what way? It most certainly will affect leveling professions, as well as trashing the server economy. you will have players abusing and hoping layers to keep mining/collecting materials and then putting them on AH or jacking up their professions at a rate faster than would or should be possible in classic. That has long term if not permanent affects on the economy and community. That is what many of us worry about, tearing up the fabric that made classic unique due to struggle and working with limited resources.