Blizzard says 80%+ will quit and that's why layering is needed

They sure are spending a ton of time and money for a feature they plan on totally removing after a couple of weeks.

It is sending up red flags for me honestly. Hoping and praying.

I also don’t think someone is going to know the difference between 500 people around them and 2000. Layering for leveling is going to never be noticed.

how can you call it a better launch if the real game isn’t released yet?

Did you not get the notice?

(Official) WoW: Classic kicks off August 27th, 2019

not with layers it doesn’t. log in and farm quests and raids like you’re playing retail launches on august 27th

That’s your opinion though, this isn’t WoW Vanilla.

It’s a modern emulation of an older game by the official maker, using modern technologies to solve old problems.

You could always wait until Phase 2 to get (your) official version of WoW: Classic?

This is honestly as bad as the #notmy___ crowd tbh.

why should i wait when the better solutions could get it to me sooner?

not sure why you’re so adamant about getting something worse for seemingly no reason at all


I mean, I’ve explained several times in earlier posts if you read them. The gameplay will be ruined if you try to let 3,000 people into a starting zone to try and complete quests. Or communities can risk being broken apart if you start implementing semi-permanent layer segregation.

Layering solves both these problems, but first and foremost are the communities because if there are no communities playing, then the gameplay is a moot point.

I have a discord full of 100 folks or so, that all want to level, raid, and be able to play together. Layering encourages that, layer segregation does not. After 3 weeks to a month or so, we won’t have to worry about it anymore. But if we get folks scattered all over multiple segregated mini-realms, we risk losing touch altogether.

So, the solution present is for the many, not the few.

layering doesn’t prevent 3k people in starting zones for the same quests, that’s sharding.

communities can’t even form under layers with tens of thousands of players hopping between them.

Yes they can. Its called using your friends list or making a guild. Both of those transcend layers.

the vanilla experience has you a part of a larger community than your friends list or guild. often you’ll encounter someone dozens of times before adding them as a friend, not every friendship is instant, and with layers you’ll miss out on all of those

you can add friends on retail too, yet community is dead :confused:

there’s also rivalries, where friends and guild don’t work at all


Create a French server (with French layers), a German server (with German layers) ect

With Blizzard’s proposed layering system, you still have the problem of not knowing what the final server is going to look like balance wise until they turn off layering. The results are the same. The only difference is how the game plays until they merge.

They won’t. Besides, there are more language specific servers out there: Swedish/Finnish, Polish, Czech, etc. They always had unofficial servers and anyone who doesn’t speak their language was forced to transfer or reroll. Merge would have same consequences.

Out of all possible solutions, layering is lesser evil by huge margin.


How is that any different from you seeing someone in barrens and then you go to ashenvale and they go to hillsbrad at 20. People can and will spread out when possible thus removing them from your “immediate” community.

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cause without layers, if you then take a trip up to ashenvale you can run into them. with layers, odds are you won’t even if you’re standing right ontop of eachother

Static? There are two xpacs after that are worth relaunching as well.

You are banking on probably 0.1% chance of running into someone as reasoning why layering is bad? There are nowhere near enough “convergence points” while leveling to see the same person multiple times. In the stress test I leveled an undead. Right when you get to Brill you get sent North, Northwest, and West. If you pick a different direction from someone else you are probably never seeing them again.

Same with Ashenvale. Lets say you take a trip up there 90 minutes after you split up. Where is he? Maybe he is in the horde town on the east? Maybe he is on the coast by BFD? Maybe he changed his mind and went to Hillsbrad after 30 minutes? Maybe he logged off? Instead of arguing for a next to 0 probability of you seeing them you will simply blame layering for the reason you don’t.

I suspect you where answering Kyuchnah and not me. .

Cause I sure aint a youngster :wink:

This is also assuming all the tourists will be people who are already subbed.

Truth is a number of people will try it out and not like it. They will burn $15 to try a game and find they don’t like it. They will also be tourists, but everyone is acting like only people who play retail will be.

People are also forgetting that blizzard knows what happened in vanilla and that even with enough server to support the population you still end up with dead servers. Even with a rising populous in vanilla they still ended up with dead servers. They still had to combat it then.

Instead of waiting until it happens they are trying to be proactive so people don’t end up on dead servers.