Blizzard says 80%+ will quit and that's why layering is needed

I don’t like layering but I do recognize they are trying to prevent dead servers later. They absolutely do not want to have to link or merge servers later but a dead closed server is a nightmare for players, sooooooooooooo yeah.


What does that even mean? That’s nonsense. You said that earlier and then edited it out while I was replying, but saying that “people don’t quit good games” is utter complete nonsense. People quit playing “good games” every single day because that game doesn’t appeal to everyone and never will. Fortnite is a good game, but I hate Fortnite. My hatred for it doesn’t stop it from being the biggest game on Twitch month after month.

If you want to convince me, or far more importantly convince the developers making the game you are going to have to come up with a better argument than “people don’t quit good games”.


This Xjum tardo sounds like Mcconnell. MORE SERVERS, QUEUES. 3 months down the road we have to start merging servers then we have to CRZ zones to fix economy. Then we become retail.


This might surprise you but not every game dies off in a week like BfA


This just in this isn’t vanilla 2004 where only 200,000 people are playing


This might surprise you but BfA is still alive and kicking.


This might surprise you but BfA is still alive and kicking.

No, it’s not.


It sure is.


so they are banking on their game that they are building for the people who have been begging for for years will fail?
Them saying it will drop 80% is like them not believing their product is any good.


You know what people do when they really think they’re gonna fail?

They set themselves up for failure. Layering is literally that, a setup for failure.

It counts on new people leaving the game as quickly as possible in order to work well.

What they seem to miss, is that it also will make those who signed up for Classic leave cause when they log in it’s not the same game as advertised. And they’ll likely not come back if they decide to leave, cause the trust is already broken.

Looks like their setup will do it’s job a bit too well. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


That isn’t the logic of layering at all. They are introducing layering to avoid having to merge dead servers, not to keep people happy. They have stated that they do not want hundreds of servers, which they know will die off and need to be merged weeks/months down the road. They also realize that millions of people will be trying it out at launch. They don;t want people waiting in 12hour long queues to get in. Especially since many of those stuck in queue will be dedicated vanilla players waiting because some tourist who will be quitting within days took their spot.

Unlike retail, Classic isn’t a standalone game, they are giving it away for free to the millions of people who play BFA. It should be pretty obvious that a large chunk of players at launch aren’t going to stick around, and then you have the turnover that all MMOs experience.

Classics success wont be measured in subs, but in authenticity. If they deliver a game that draws in the vanilla playersbase, even if only in the thousands, it will be a success. If they create a retail monstrosity and the vanilla playerbase returns to pservers, Classic would be a failure, even if it had millions of players.


No, the people who were begging for it will very likely play it. the people that never asked for it will check it out to see what all the fuss is about. Some will stay, some will not stick around. If you can’t concede that much than you are willfully ignoring the obvious because it doesn’t support your own agenda.


Blizzard said Cataclysm would be THE expac for PvP lovers.

wait…My guild actually disbanded back then… :thinking:


People who are playing BfA want Classic to die, so it doesn’t surprise me to see that BfA players unanimously agree that a plan which assumes Classic will die is a good plan

If you’re so sure it would die then you shouldn’t have a problem with good decisions being made for the game


so what happens when it DOESNT drop in player population? Now we are stuck with way to many people on a given server because they were “hoping” people would quit!


80% seems high but I’m willing to wager a majority of Classic players quit by the time Blizzcon rolls around.

Now that doesn’t mean Classic is a flop. Could very well be that 6 million people start, and only 2 million make it to the cap. Which would be a strong success for a game as… quirky as WoW Classic.


It’s impossible for the BfA community to accept this possibility because if Classic doesn’t die then that means retail dies instead


Blizzard is a business and Blizzard is placing a bet based on their market knowledge. They may be wrong, but who better to determine demand than the outfit that sold the original and later expansions.

Beats me what will happen, but their solution is a good one if their estimate of participation fall off is in the ball park.


No. This is the usual scaremongering.

Expected Classic Population: 500,000
Number of people with a Sub at launch: 2-3 million.

The difference between those numbers is the attrition rate. They’re expecting the population to settle at the people who enjoy Classic, while everyone who has a sub will poke their nose in to see what it’s like.

It’s not planning to fail, its realistic projections of the first few weeks. I fully expect it to start growing again about 2 months in, when people tell their friends to come back, but layering solves the initial burst.


They’re pretty terrible at betting on market knowledge these days, but they’re good at killing their own games