Blizzard said they would "prefer that healers spend their time healing" during an interview with Morgan Day

I agree that it speeds it up but the blame for stuff not dying quick enough is a DPS issue and not the healers fault

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If you’re having mana issues as a healer that’s something you need to take up with your group. Or you’re overhealing way too much

Always be casting applies to literally everyone. If you’re wiping because your healer is casting Smite when they would otherwise be doing literally nothing, then it’s not the heals that are the problem


I listen because the logic is sound.

Shadowlands that was not the case. Many times in raids, PvP, or mythic+ it was a better idea to stand around for 20 seconds to get mana back. The best priest covenant was nightfae because they had a way to get a lot of mana back through DPS. Healer mana was definitely an issue for them.

Different roles are different, it’s not entitlement. It’s just the way it is. Not every healer is going to play the same either. Some will DPS and not heal, some will heal and not DPS, some will DPS and heal. It’s a mixed bag tbh. Im someone that will DPS and heal but I don’t want to be hounded on here for taking breaks

Yea that’s why it’s wrong to tell people the “right” way to play when there really isn’t a written rulebook. Blizzard does not balance healer DPS at all in endgame content so that shows me that they do not care about it and neither should any of us. I do DPS keys as a healer and I never get a thank you. It’s a very thankless job and it’s wrong to make all these threads blaming them for bad DPS

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If you’re on Ana’s side: Her logic, until she finally kills off the entire population and shuts down the servers, is not ever sound and she needs to see reason about making everyone do everything to burnout.

If you’re on my side: Good, because elitism never pays.

looks like I have a fan



Your logic is agree with me I’m right… Except you aren’t. Having a Feeling about something doesn’t make you right.
Even strong feelings.

Sitting there and doing nothing versus contributing… Contributing makes more sense


Trust me when I say this. You’re on the wrong side of history.

oh wait is this rahtakeep?

This is objectively false.

If each Dps performing their best can produce 1000dps and the fight requires 3200 Dps and the healer can produce that 200 Dps it is the healers fault that the boss didn’t die.

The Dps is doing their job they are outputting the damage that they can. The healer is not therefore they are the cause of failure

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No. Don’t know who that is.

But I do know I spent years wishing for queues only to be met with pain, forum vacations, and increasing resentment whenever people like you have your way.

If you want me to DPS maybe giving me praise or whispering a thank you would be nice. It’s going above and beyond my role


I mean I have no control over your forum vacations, but I suspect it’s linked to your rhetoric, which you do have control over.

for what it’s worth - or not - I don’t remember you. let it go.

Convenient that you omit the part where he more directly talks about healer damage for your arguments sake.

“So yes, we certainly keep an eye on healer damage. In the grand scheme of things it’s much smaller than say what a DPS, or in a lot of cases, even what your tank is doing, but we recognize when you’re talking about Mythic Plus, one fifth of your group is your healer, so any damage that they can put out is going to add up over the course of the Mythic Plus run, versus, let’s say, if you’re in a 20 or even 30 person raid. You know, that healer is a much smaller percentage there. So that’s something that we look at. We do consider it in terms of its total package of what the healer is bringing, but ultimately we really focus on how much that is playing into what they’re bringing to their group’s total contribution.”

No one’s saying healers have to dps. It’s just that people that try to improve as a player often view healers that do not dps when no healing is required as having low skill/ being lazy.


Same with you inciting that.

Not really. People can say things you don’t like and you don’t have to respond with vitriol or violations to tos.

You make a counter argument. Preferably based in some kind of reasoning.

You ignore them.

You block them.

You learn to develop a sense of humor and mock yourself and them

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I tried with memes. But as soon as Phase 2 dropped…

It isn’t though. Your role is to do what’s in your power to complete the raid/dungeon.

Dps don’t get praise for using defensives, tanks don’t expect praise for optimizing their Dps. You are there to complete the task do what you can in your power to do that

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There seems to be some confusion.

Ideally dps/tank take minimal damage, and use CDs appropriate to avoid damage so as to keep their healer active in doing damage.

Like, if I get hit by a swirlie I’ll die. If I don’t move out of a patch of fire I’ll take a tick and lose 60% of my health, which is 2-3 globals from my healer = less damage on boss.

This isn’t a new concept. It’s just good play and general efficiency.