Blizzard said they would "prefer that healers spend their time healing" during an interview with Morgan Day

They didn’t really change them. Tanks have been pulling big forever and will pull big in the future. SL S1 tried squishy tanks, people rejected it massively.

Here’s Warlords :


yeah another world record, the averge or generally even above average werent doing this. You cant even do that any more with the slow nerf to stop this kind of game play.
Showing a world record from years ago with gameplay that would have gotten the average tank of the time rekt. Now even muggles can just grab heaps of mobs like this with how easy tanking is.

They need to change it so that healers buff DPS during their downtime, not DO DPS. Either that, or healers could debuff mobs causing them to take more damage. Something that only lasts like… 2-3 seconds - just long enough for DPS to get one shot off for big damage.

Given people’s reactions to just ONE healer buffing ability in Power Infusion, I shudder to imagine what we might unleash if we made it more widespread.

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Pulling big ?

That’s how I leveled most of my tanks.

Of course you can.

Shows that your nonsense that tanks couldn’t pull big before was just that : nonsense.

You literally have no clue how this game works or worked in the past.

The fact that players equate healer being “dead” or “afk” when the group is full hp and waiting for damage to occur only showcases how hard people struggle with the concept of absolutes.

How else should I describe a GCD where a player does literally nothing? What would a good alternative word be?

Lol oh no a gcd the group is going to wipe OOOOOMMMMMGGGGGG

Stopping play during what’s supposed to be an intense time is… Uh… Not great, my guy.

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Quit being rude to your healers

I don’t recall saying that but I’m happy to let you argue with yourself since the opinions I actually hold don’t seem to be a necessary component of this conversation.

I’ve said that it’s bad play, because it is. Doing something is better than nothing. I’ve never said it’ll be the thing that makes or beaks your +10 key.

You don’t recall because you struggle to understand.

Rude? Lol. Telling someone that isn’t doing their job to do their job isn’t rude.

Wha? How is that rude to anyone to say ‘hey could you hit a button during your downtime’?

You didn’t answer the question and I still don’t think that describing bad play vs. good play is being rude to my healers. If a healer asks me if not doing damage when they have the chance is good play then I’m not going to lie to them and say that it is. That’s only a rude statement if you’re tying an undue amount of self-worth to your performance in a video game. If that’s the case, I suggest learning how to play better instead of asking everyone to redefine what good play is.

One GCD isn’t downtime. That’s harassment

It’s not harassment to suggest a way to improve a player’s play.

If there are gaps in your activity, it’s entirely within my right to ask why.

That’s the technical term used for a GCD where nothing is casted, channeled, or a GCD rolling. You see it in logs like I showed you yesterday. Some amount of downtime is normal for every spec and how much you’ll have varies from spec to spec. But in order to improve, every player should be seeking to find ways to spend their downtime on something useful to the group rather than the nothing it currently contributes.

while I can’t deny I love argument threads, I’d argue that every single one of these is posted by someone just trolling for responses.


I think nitpicking healers for every little thing is harassment. This thread needs to be shut down