Blizzard ruins their own game

Cause it’s not cheating and its not destroying anything. You’re just being weird. Go play the game.

Boosting is not the issue. If there wasn’t a demand then boosting wouldn’t exist. This is not a Blizzard created issue, it’s a player created issue. Players expect Blizzard to take action, but who is creating this problem in the first place? Blizzard or the demand (players).

There’s people behind buying gold and botting too it’s not just boosting. If they quit the game where would they go? Back to retail and the other 10 versions of the game.

Why do you care so much about what other people are doing? This has been going on for 20 years. Is this your first time playing classic or something?

What do you mean why do we care about it? It affects everyone in the game. The gaslighting from these people is insane.

I don’t consider boosting cheating, nor do I really care that people who boosted are among us. I also think “destroying the game” is being vastly over dramatic.

Boosting is a side effect of leveling being potentially 100+ hours of mindless chores to get to the part of the game that person actually cares about.

You’re on the forums crying about boosting which isn’t even against the TOS and doesn’t affect you in any way.

It affects everyone.
Boost them through levels in dungeons, gdkp them to gear. The end result is players who suck and everyone having to deal with them.
Thanks a lot… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

seems to me like it DOES force people out into the world, and this causes some people to quit.
“let us cheese through the game or we’ll quit” is not a very convincing argument :expressionless:


If they get boosted and do gdkp’s you’ll never play with them little bro because gdkp servers log check people before they roster them

“Less people playing is a good thing” Classic eyr take

Are players sitting in dungeons being boosted 24/7 actually playing the game?

And Eyr is right in that, “I actually have to play the game? I quit!” is not a good argument.


Just because you define playing the game as the leveling journey many others feel that the game doesn’t begin until 60 and raiding, less toxic dads telling others how to play in the sandbox is good for the game, and you should just stick to posting on eyr instead of alts

Rubbish. There are plenty of them wasting other player’s time already. But go ahead and delude yourself “little bro” if it makes you feel better about yourself.

That’s really nice and all but you have other options with the assets that you desire. Go play em.

1-60 is an integral part of the Vanilla experience. I know that’s difficult for a Retail player to understand, but it’s the truth.

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This may surprise you, but your opinion isn’t a fact, its just an opinion, and its just as valid as a guy who boosts to 60 and only raids. This is a symptom of NPD btw

That’s not an opinion. And boosting to 1-60 isn’t playing the game.

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Nope bud sorry I actually play the game and know that you’re making things up. I guarantee there is no difference in the average skill of a guy being boosted and a dad gamer taking 4 months to level up.

It is little bro, I know that the idea that your opinions might not be right(they aren’t) really upsets you but thats just how the world works bud

No, it’s a fact that the leveling experience was a huge part of the Vanilla experience. People who actually played back then know it. I know you Retail players are used to hitting max in a day or two, but that’s not how Vanilla worked.

And saying you don’t want to play the game isn’t the flex you think it is. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

But toxic Retail players don’t really matter. The real problem is that Blizzard caters to that type of player. The Classic team agree that leveling isn’t a big part of the game. They said that when they added the boost to TBC. So I completely understand why players feel that way. It’s still factually wrong, but it makes sense why such players believe it.

I just find it disappointing Blizz has abandoned actual Vanilla lovers for these types of players. But they want people buying boosts. They want the whales. So enjoy Classic that has just become an even crappier version of Retail, ruined in the same way it was the first time around. The casual masses driven from the game and replaced by elitist whales who just want to swipe a card and buy their way to prosperity. It’s obvious which type of players Blizzard prefers.

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