Blizzard Rip-Off

Thanks Blizzard for ripping off players that already had Bananas in their pet collection by exempting those players from receiveing a free one! We reached the $500k goal you promised a free Bananas to every player so pay up!


Dude that’s bananas!


On one hand, I completely understand the feeling of not getting anything because you already had it (especially considering you likely paid for it since it was a TCG pet, and now people are getting it for free)

On the other hand, it’s being given out as a charity event with $0 going into Blizzards coffers. It’s kinda not good to be selfish when talking about a selfless event like this.


Did they really do this? That would explain why I never got mine. People on the stickied thread have claimed they got the free one though and I know someone in game that got one as well, however, he caged all his before he claimed. I didn’t think to do that when I claimed mine.

If this is how it works I really won’t be happy. It was bad enough to use a pet people paid millions of gold for and in some cases a lot of real money for, but not to be given that free pet would be pretty much icing on the cake for me with this game.


Tell me does Blizzard do things constantly to screw people when they don’t have to.

i’m so confused… you already have the pet. you’re mad because you didn’t receive a second one?


This charity is for a good cause. TCG mounts and pets are a flippers environment that largely exists to shuffle around profits in steady increments this late into the game. This is both for gold in the games economy as well as actual cash in the real world.

Bananas is one of the absolute cheapest. I can buy an unscratched loot card which functions as a real world collectible that will always retain value as an unscratched card for a little more than a WoW token.

I remember having a mailbox full of bananas and kites from WoD that I had deleted en masse after wising up and realizing that it wasn’t worth the bans. This pet in particular is not a TCG item worth anything.


I actually read some people did get a 2nd one

How selfish must a person be to see themselves as not getting anything out of a community driven charity event that raised half a million dollars to provide COVID relief in a global pandemic that’s killed over a million people globally in a single year.


Yes I know some people did. I know someone in the game who did. That is why I made a ticket since I didn’t.

if people didn’t have the foresight to cage their existing one prior to claiming an additional one, that’s not really blizzards fault.

you can open a ticket and ask if anything can be done about it, but to claim they’re “ripping you off” is beyond overly dramatic.


Did you actually try and claim it from the store?

And why not ? If millions of people got 100k gold mailed to them for no reason but they didn’t send you any gold because you had just paid $30 for a token, wouldn’t you be a little annoyed?

I caged mine and put it in the bank when i first read about Blizzard being lazy and using a preexisting TCG pet as a charity item. Would it really have been so hard to just rename/reskin a random pet so people didn’t get screwed over like this??

omg, the system shouldn’t have been designed that way to begin with. Why the heck should someone be expected to know blizzard planned on screwing the same group of people twice in this.


While i personally caged mine because i could see the problem coming, i think it’s crappy to assume that everyone should have known and taking the whole “bad luck” kinda stance.


They could have just mailed it to everyone as well and this wouldn’t have happened. If they seriously designed this so people who already had it didn’t get another, that is some serious stupidity.

Plus they send this email to my account that already HAD bananas - offering it to me. You claim it right from there, there was no reason even to go into the game.

this is why i suggested opening a ticket.

this elf mage has been going off-tap all night.
i’ve been more than patient in trying to work with them, and all they can do is respond with more “OMG BLIZZ R TEH EVILZ”.

Elune forbid they should just take a step back and try to deal with the situation calmly.

I’m not sure how working themselves into this level of frenzy is helping resolve their issue.


Yep. That’s more or less what I said in the 2nd sentence you oh so conveniently skipped over and cut out of the quote making me look like one of those selfish people. Thanks for that.

over 2 million.
nearly 3.