Blizzard responded

Blizzard employees could set baby sloths on fire in front of their HQ and you would find a reason to excuse it.


This response reads like someone from Trade Chat wrote it.

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No. They are continuing their work on the games. Coming soon, I’ll get my hands on Diablo II: Resurrected for Switch and PC.

TL;DR: I’ll see you in court.

I’m disgusted by all the white knighting and the sexist replies. My god. As a woman, I’ve experienced a massive amount of stalking, harassment in game and vile messages and to defend this entire corporation for what they did
 shame on you. Where will you draw the line? What if this was done to your sisters or mothers? Sigh.


No, they’re not offering legal advice. They are however claiming to be an attorney, and impersonating an attorney is severely punished.

Being stupid isn’t against the law. Impersonating an attorney is.

Sure, if they’re soliciting your business, or offering legal advice.

Kalexa did neither. If there was like, a drop team of cops who parachuted from the sky any time someone said “I am an attorney” you’d never be able to put on a production of To Kill a Mockingbird.


It varies by state, but yea, there’s generally very specific cases that you could get in big trouble for saying you’re an attorney when you’re not, and that generally wouldn’t be one of them.

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I work and go to grad school, just changed fields myself about a year ago. I was mostly just mentioning it because I was always curious myself how attorneys handled cases when the laws don’t point in their favor, and I definitely think it’s applicable here lol. That is some razzle dazzle distraction if I’ve ever seen it.

Oh no :frowning:

I’m glad i got to read your posts then

I look forward to seeing your takes again in the future

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Wait – how was it found out that he wasn’t an attorney? Or was this just assumed? I honestly didn’t read anything that was quoted and now I’m tempted to go back and look LOL.

Dunno how to word this,

The loudest bark is usually from the smallest dog.

Trying to be super “woke” to hide stuff like this, several other examples in the world from religion to white collar.

You see this stuff all the time in govt jobs, politics, ect, ect.

don’t know why so many people acting surprised. There have been many things over the years to hint this stuff lol.

I feel this is like method josh all over again.

I believe the part where they added the suicide hotline at the end of their reply was cut out from this post, which is unfortunate considering the rest of the employee’s at blizzard may need it.

It wasn’t. Cognozzle is acting like State bar associations have nothing better to do other than unmask fake reddit attorneys. I’m fairly certain someone saying “I’m a lawyer” on reddit is very low on their list of priorities.


Ah gotcha. I see the initial post was redacted anyways, can’t go back and read QQ lol.
And yeah, I’m sure you’re right. You’d probably have to cause a pretty big stink to even get noticed, probably lol.

Everything will be mailed to you, every single thing you own.

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They are also broke which explains a lot about this. There have been no civil suits filed which is very odd.


Do you understand how much money it costs to go to court? It’s not free. Do you also realize how much money Cali will lose when Blizzard isn’t on their turf any more? Blizzard is a massive company; a company that hit their all-time-high sale records just this year in Feb.

You also claim Cali is “broke,” yet it has the highest GDP in the country with one of the lowest debt ratios. Jeesh, it’s not the best place in the whole wide world and it’s got its problems, but some things you people say are just outlandish lol.


They are 54.3 billion in debt.