Blizzard responded

This reads like a Tim Allen whinefest.

“waah waaah Commifornia won’t let the minority rule over the majority waaah waah business”

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If I’m reading their response correctly, they basically admitted to misconduct but are trying to make things better.
How that made it past the legal team is beyond my understanding.
Even if the CA suit lacked credibility, they just gave them a public admission of guilt. :man_shrugging:

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Ah yes, game time, blizzard store credit, very lovely, rewarding compensation packages, especially for all the jobs that were laid off because, you know, people use the blizzard store to pay for a meal and roof over their heads.

Didn’t you just read the post about irresponsible statements?

LOL, you wouldn’t know DONE if the fries dinged.

“done”… lmfao

just a canned PR response that would be almost the exact same wording regardless of fact pattern

means nothing except a commitment to a lack of transparency

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Uhhhhhhhhhhhh… you ever used a stocks app, my guy? I’m not on Blizzard’s side here, but… in the last year the highest their stock price has been is $103. It’s been stable in the $90s since January. Prior to that it was in the mid-$70s. Their stocks really aren’t taking the hit you think they are.

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If blizzard disagrees with the allegations then this is the correct response. If what happened is not true then don’t let them besmirch you.

Keep in mind that none of us on the forums know the truth.

Not picking up the pitchfork after an accusation is appalling to our current society and it’s perception of justice.

Yeah… nah. Gonna take the lawyer’s response on this.

Youre right. Lawyers never have differing opinions…

I did the same thing back around 2002. Rent and gas got to the point that it was no longer economically feasible to stay plus the electricity was sky high due to the energy crisis. It’s only gotten worse in san francisco with the homeless epidemic leading to human feces being everywhere and businesses finally packing up and moving. I don’t know how lower to middle class people get by there.

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Nothing like scurrying around predatory ATTORNEYS. Nothing unusual in the twisted Leftist days.

I think you misunderstand the context of the word stable.

Stable in this context means able to endure massive devaluing trends like what could possibly happen if too many investors get scared and dump.

I knew this drama wouldn’t age well …but I thought it would be a few months at least.

So Blizzard is acknowledging past issues, and is laying out the steps they took to improve the problems.

They are demanding a trial by jury…no company dose that unless they know they will prevail, or at the very least come out looking much better than the state who may or may not be on a witch hunt.

There is a metric crap ton of people on the forums and over on youtube grinding axes not for what happend but because of past dev decisions about the game…not anyone getting hurt or harassed. They want Blizzard to die a screaming death end of story.

This will get more cringy…and a lot of people/content creators are going to end up on the wrong side of this. I actually feel bad for them.

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This all sounds like it was entirely written for the benefit of Blizzard stock holders and wallstreet investors. Once again it’s all about covering their backside!

Look at all of those hollow, corporate buzzwords.

Christ, can’t even use Warcraft to escape from how crappy people are anymore.

Modern Blizzard is giving me serious Bojack Horseman vibes.

Season 3 Bojack…

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Why are you or anyone surprised!! They NEVER look at facts because its all based on feelings. Feelings dont mater when facts say otherwise. Bout sick of it all

I think Blizzard’s has taken a huge hit. They keep making big profits and yet their stock price remains flat because investors don’t want to invest in them. Stock prices have exploded over the past six months and theirs has gone slightly down. This is only going to add to investors staying away from them.

So…. How can someone who isn’t an expert in California law… know what a California entity is legally allowed to do?

His statement doesn’t mean much.

I don’t see where she was saying what Blizzard was allowed to do? She was offering an opinion about parts of the official Blizzard statement that could open them up to further litigation or liability.

Yeah, laws vary from state to state, but many are fairly universal.