Blizzard Removed Trollbane's Racism

Hold on now… hold on. You don’t get to get out of almost destroying the world Elf.

Your queen (greatest character in the game) Azshara almost destroyed the world. That’s pretty bad lol.

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Which is immediately countered by the fact that the orcs actually destroyed their own world and then invaded another one sadly.

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Well yeah, Orcs aren’t good caretakers. Have you seen Orgrimmar?


It was an underground Horde ring who trained in orgrimmar or something. The comic is really dumb about details. The comic about Varian, and like… three quests in Durotar from Cataclysm, are the only times the orcish slavery ring are ever mentioned. They didn’t exist before the Alliance needed its “orcs did it too” card, and it didn’t exist after they claimed it.

Either way, orcs being the only race to perform obscenely evil acts of misogyny is beyond gross. Especially when they’re whitewashing what incredibly few alliance sins there are.

This is so ultra woke of Blizzard. Keep up the hard work, Blizzard!


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In wow being racist to other races in wow is normal wow life buddy . That why we are in a faction war :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


That poor woman. She got played so hard. She just wanted another narcissist who was as perfect as her to rule over her flock of imperfect worshippers.

Why couldn’t she be happy?! Azshara didn’t do anything bad. Sure, she used magic to make people fall in love with her and do her bidding. But it’s not like those people complained?! They were lining up to worship her!

Orcs aren’t tho. Blackmoore and even King Terenas did awful things. If Deathwing wasn’t exposed, Calia would have been married off to him. It was going to be her duty as princess of Lordareon.


It’s so Appalling that imaginary characters, in a imaginary game, say imaginary things. Someone lay a pillow down in my safe place!!


Can this thread just die a painful death


Then her Jaina could talk about their dragon partners.


I don’t agree with changes like this unless it has a lore stand point. If this is done for a change in the story fine, but explain in the story why you are changing the character.

If this is done to make people happy then no I don’t agree. Characters are written to be who they are, for better or for worse. Creative arts are about expressing yourself and ideas; about being able to talk about subjects in a different way that may not be pretty, but are creative enough that people will enjoy them all the same. Authors and artists shouldn’t have to shackle ideas just because someone doesn’t like their vision.


Obscenely evil acts of misogyny? I don’t remember reading that anywhere. You’re going to have to provide a source on that claim.

Ah, so the act of obscenely evil misogyny didn’t occur.
And we both know we’re not talking about marrying your daughter off to a villain.

Dude you’re making this into a pissing contest for no reason. There have been other characters that have done horrendous things to women in the game that has playable race. End all.

Then again you supporting a post complaining about Alliance favoritism tells me how unconstructive you’re going to be.


Orcs are the only player race to perform obscenely evil acts of misogyny. If orcs didn’t exist, obscenely evil acts of misogyny wouldn’t exist either. This is a really messed up message Blizzard has been broadcasting for two decades.

Like King Magni, dude treated his daughter so bad she ran out and married his enemy who ended up treating her like a queen lol.


Gonna give blizzard the benefit of the doubt for once and say that maybe the change was made because well, the orc trollbane was addressing wasn’t even green lol. There are way worse things in the game I doubt this would be a priority for removal if they were going for deleting offensive lore.

He ignored her.
Not quite the same as what happened to Garona Half-orcen’s mother.

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