Blizzard Removed Trollbane's Racism

Sure. I don’t mind. I like the faction conflicts.

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I fear for the Art and Literature communities of these taliban wanna-bes. They wanna trash it all. Go look up the sanitized version of The adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The diary of Ann Frank.

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Yes fiction grounded in primal violence you jolt, where do you think they get the inspiration from? Real WORLD events.

So you want the player race to be evil foes for you to defeat.
You don’t care about the orc player’s experience, about their lack of control over what was written, or their lack of reason for faction conflict (the alliance doesn’t perform acts of villainy, and when they do it gets retconned or ignored. Sources: Trollbane, Greymane, Jaina.)

In their world, reality is too harsh. They need to tear down some statues and throw themselves at the feet of, “The Oppressed” to cleanse themselves of their forefather’s sin.

It’s pathetic and it breeds pathetic people.

the players DON’T GIVE A SHYT. they care more about conduits and gear, even lore readers don’t care, hence why you’re the only one that brings it up.

I like the horde vs alliance stories. Yes.

Most of my horde alts are orcs too. :smiling_face:

Using writing to explore the way the worst parts of human nature intertwine with the best in order to inspire the reader to introspection, growth, and reflection is no longer considered appropriate. The much better course of action is to pretend the worst parts don’t exist, and eventually they will stop existing through sheer metaphysical momentum.

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Sometime’s, it’s fun to play the bad guys. I see this all the time in WW2 wargaming. No one want’s to play the Axis. Sometimes, for a fun game, you gotta play the Axis.

The Horde weren’t billed as the bad guys for World of Warcraft.

Um…Have you played the Warcraft series at all?

Have you?

yes I have… you apparently have not.

Guess we should get mad at all the evil human groups, troll tribes and the red draenei too. How dare blizz make members of a playable race evil

Well your view seems to shift completely off of what is billed.


You do know that World of Warcraft is NOT the first game that universe. It started with Warcraft: Orc vs Humans, guess what? the orcs was the bad guys.

You would probably know this if you didn’t spend the time putting the torch to literature and trashing art.

You do know what Warcraft 3 is the Flagship game of the series that sets the tone for the rest of the IP with the heroic orcs leading a heroic horde, yeah? Things only changed when Afrasiabi took the lead and tried to make everything like Warcraft 2 again.

“The Orcs enlarged the portal until they could transport seven warriors, who massacred a Human village. The raiding party brought back samples of good food and fine worksmanship, and a report that the Humans were defenseless.”

Yeah totally good guys.


Reading comprehension: Not Even Once.

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This is disgusting. I’m literally shaking with anger that someone can still be called a greenskin in 2021 and it go unpunished.

We’re doomed.

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