Blizzard Removed Trollbane's Racism

I am not one who makes this threads aobut it thought

So ? That doesn’t mean other races don’t do it. Yikes.

Yeah, it does.
So, just remove orcs doing it. Nothing of value is lost. People still war with eachother, but no player race is innately more evil than another.

No it doesn’t. It really doesn’t matter. Genocide and murder is worse, go play animal crossing.

When every player race kills eachother to a man, and only one player race performs evil acts of misogyny, that one single player race is the most evil player race.

It’s time to remove that Red Letter R from Orcs.

To the victor go the spoils. People that think war is for land are mistaken. That’s not the property that men kill for.

So lemme get this straight you’re mad because orcs did bad things to women and it hurts your feelings, mass genocide is okay cause everyone does it?

Do you honestly read yourself?

2ndly, you’re really the only person that gives a F about this, like is this the hill you want to die on?

No. I’m saying that both things are evil, but when all races do genocide and one race does evil acts of misogyny and no other race does, that by default makes them the most evil race.

To be fair.

Admiral Proudmoore was quite the misogynist towards his own daughter.

Malfurion Stormrage straight up told Tyrande to ‘hush’

And Tyrande overall is a damsel in distress in most scenarios.

It’s cute that you think only one race is “misogynistic.”

We both know he didn’t do to Jaina what was done to Garona Half-orcen’s mother.

Reading Comprehension: Not even once.

Hey, you were just talking about acts of misogyny, not criminal acts.

I am not one to decide what you consider evil and good.

Blizzard doesn’t allow the use of the actual word for the crime.

Actually, they do. It was just recently used in another thread.

And if the person who used it gets reported, that post will disappear.

You really want to argue with someone with incel in their name? I saw it right off.

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Not because of the word, but because apparently in this grievance culture we’ve cultivated, words can hurt.


I am in favor of keeping the story. I’m sorry you’re offended and I’m sorry your feelings are hurt, but please, grow up.


You live in absolute lala land if you think the ORCs are the only ones that are capable of that level of evil.

Just because the stories aren’t told doesn’t mean that level of cruelty hasn’t happened. If people are capable of mass murder then they are capable of mass cruelty against women, they go hand in hand stoopid.

Do you not know how chaotic invasions and raids are?

Officers throughout history could not control their men when they pillage or invade a city, rape was common. If you ever picked up a history book you would know this.

The nazzs and soviets were NOTORIOUS for cruel acts against women, that’s just an example.

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Sure it does. This isn’t real life, this is a fictional setting that requires stories being told to happen.

Why? Do you want orcs to be villains for humans to defeat?