Blizzard Removed Trollbane's Racism

This is likely true. GW couldn’t copyright any common fantasy or sci-fi names, and chose “Greenskins” as their copyrighted name for Orkz/Orcs.

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Why are they sanitizing everything and why do you seem to feel it is a good thing?

One characters hatred of a particular race whether warranted or not makes the characters more interesting.

John J Keeshan IS a horror.

Part of the most stupid quest chains in Cata.

yeah I agree there. Kinda Mary Sue-ish


Blizz doesn’t even believe their own BS. Leaks only prove that. They’re like any corporate entity. They say one thing to appease the simple minded tenderhearts.

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Well, they won’t.

I don’t necessarily. I just have never been a fan of orcs being the only player race to be perpetrators of the cruel misogyny they did. Seems a simple thing to retcon it.

For sure; look at the Dragonmaw clan and what they did to Alexstrasza.

It’s unfortunate that so much of the Orcs’ story is tied to unspeakable acts, but it is also the basis of their conflict with so many other races. Not that I’m advocating for it to persist, by any means - just to be clear. It does beg the question of just how thorough Blizzard’s sweep of the narrative will be to scour some of the worst elements.

Slavery, forced breeding, torture, genocide… not that any of them should be ranked. Even with books like War Crimes, Blizzard has been reinforcing the validity of some of those elements, and I don’t even want to touch BFA.

So much of the history is steeped in these elements, and it’s been stated already, but it’s a cheap writing trick to rely on acts of barbarism to characterize a group/people as evil. Unfortunately, the Horde/Orcs were written as the bad guys from the start, and it’s clearly proven challenging to veer away from that history due to just how much of the narrative has spiraled out from those origins.

The characters aren’t real. Cry harder.

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Because the OP is a trolll, his takes are laughable at best, no one is that obtuse.

Part of the issue with WoW’s approach to it, though, is that they don’t explore it beneath the surface level. They use fantasy based racism as a pretext to continue a senseless conflict, but don’t actually explore the root causes and have their characters confront their own prejudices.

It’s entirely valid for Danath to despise the Vilebranch trolls due to the ancient blood feud between humans and trolls that has directly affected him, but to leave it simply at that is weak narrative development. Characters can’t remain static. The very nature of characters is to change and grow - otherwise they’re just card board cut outs that serve no purpose aside from being a foil for someone else to grow and change.

I think Blizzard needs to focus less on “oh my god, a giant space death demon god thing from another dimension - we have to fight it!” and instead focus on what defined Warcraft: a conflict between races struggling to survive in an inhospitable universe.

Where are the political conflicts stemming from class inequality and corruption, like in Westfall? Where are the stories tied to children on Azeroth growing up having lived an entire childhood in war time, only to confront characters of other races and have their notions challenged? I can think of a dozen zones where those stories would be ideal. And what about all the characters who have grown and learned from their interactions with the other faction, and can now prompt change within their own race’s domain?

We don’t need to make stuff “PC” (and I do hate that term), we just need the company to actually deep dive and explore the issues on a deeper level.

This doesn’t take the war out of warcraft, either. You can have compelling, tense war story drawn from any of those issues, and in 99% of the cases, the conflict would be deeper than some new random space jerk showing up (the Jailer) who legit no one has heard of until now.

Blizzard has restored the OP, so clearly they don’t agree with you.

You know it still kills me that maghar are even a thing. They tried to make a sitcom off that caveman commercial gimmick several years ago and they called the cavemen “Maggers” as in “cro-magnon” and that show lasted all of one episode. Yeah and if dude said “brown skin” literally everyone would decry that as racist. I hope.

Those cavemen got done dirty. I wanted that show to last. They even got to be part of a music video.

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Uh huh, that’s your validation, not your hilarious misplacement of priorities.

Idk why you want the cruel misogyny to exist in Warcraft’s story, but it makes orcs into horrible people. I don’t want them to be.

Why are you playing the game?

Been playing since the Year of Our Lord Two-Thousand upon Four. I like Thrall and Saurfang, I like Nerzhul and Bolvar, Genn, and Drek’thar. I like the horde fighting the alliance.

I do not like orcs being the only player race to perform cruel acts of misogyny.

Yet you’re fine with genocide?

Hello Kitty adventure island calls to you.