Ever heard of the concept post-war discrimination?
I’m starting to think its a bot, they have the most generic woke responses.
history is plagued with conflict, strife and lets not forget racism, why does a world almost perpetually entrenched in war and chaos need a retcon to be PC? it doesn’t, get over it and focus on the real issues with the game. Touch grass.
Grass is dangerously close to a bad word. I want Blizzard to remove the phrase Touch Grass.
I could only imagine the reaction of the OP if they aver watch the movie Blazing Saddles. They’d probably crawl into their safe place and cry for the rest of their life.
Him and garithos, are to me like the most evil alliance members, and maybe daelin too.
So are they going to remove Nagas as well because of the association between them and a certain slur? Also what about the turtle people and their hatred of Nagas?
Nagas are a literally mythological creature from South Asian mythology you utter fool.
Turtle people hating Nagas has to do probably with some myths from that world region, or the general tendency that some turtles hunt snakes.
Let’s face it. Killing someone and the whole village the skinning them and using them for housing is ok. But mean words is where we draw the line.
Completely missing the point.
ummm… they are orcs…that’s what they are.
Orc’s don’t rescue cats from trees or help old ladies cross the street.
They are EVIL, filthy, obscene, and…well… villainous
nice try
Oh I see, just trolling and being as ridiculous as possible. Have fun…
My post was restored.
Do you not see anything incredibly messed up with one race (and one single human man) being the perpetrators of one of the most evil things you can do? Why have it at all? It doesn’t benefit the story.
You can have villains without that act of misogyny.
Im sorry, I don’t speak troll
This is honestly upsetting. I don’t want racism or misogyny to be directed towards my character all the time based on their fantasy race and sex, lets get that out of the way, however there need to be evil people who hold such prejudices to give the world depth and realism.
I mean it’s a fantasy world and fantasy racism based on species is not the same as real world racism. It’s not supposed to be a nice planet, it’s one with a history of a lot of troubles and those won’t go away overnight. And part of that is vicious species wars against one another including campaigns of near extermination and genocide. To act like there aren’t bigots in the world isn’t lending to the realism of it.
You have orcs whose parents were killed by humans, some of them are going to become human hating bigots. You have humans whose parents were killed by orcs, some of them are going to become orc hating bigots. You have different religious traditions among the species that’s going to cause some people to see the other as heretics, as low-lives, as lesser.
Hate isn’t rational and a world full of reasonable, incredibly well-tempered, rational people is the only kind of world where you won’t have hate. If you have war you will have hate for the enemy. You will have propaganda against them. It is necessary to get your people rallied behind battles, to get your soldiers pumped up.
I am for Blizzard removing the faction divide but it would be silly to do that and then pretend there aren’t some people on all sides who hold prejudices against the other side and those species within it. Old hatreds, grudges take time to heal and some people are going to cling to them to their graves.
Instead of removing hate let it be defeated. Don’t let players lionize characters who are bigots, don’t let them create icons out of them. Show them as sad, bitter, broken people, have them violently attack and be put down by the sword to a dishonerable death. But do not erase the legacy, the reality here.
good his name made my character cry and also me
Don’t worry, I will be extra racist against elves to make up for it.
I don’t have the heart to be mean to the gnomes and dwarves but elves of all sorts are fair game.
EDIT: Oops, I thought this was the anti Elf dude. Why can’t Alliance be anti Horde now?
Alliance can’t be evil.
Horde can strictly only be evil.
Seems like it, reminds me of the backlash from that BfA PTR when Alliance were actually killing the Vulpera. Folks got so upset that they made it so the Alliance just shoo them away…
I don’t like nasty people or anything but I like characters with depth that are able to grow and change… golden holy boys that do no wrong can get boring so a whole faction of them would be snoooooze.
Need a little grey!
because in a game of war and death and atrocities. Racism is just TOO evil in a fantasy world. Remember kids Racism the ultimate evil. or any innuendo
Murders ok though go at it. Just please forget our transgression as we pander to the mob with empty virtue signals that leave us looking like major tools.
-Blizz department