Blizzard, remove Calligraphy

You’re not even a real Night Elf.

I’m just the marshmallow center.

Please, stop the car. I will walk home.

We can’t stop here, this is bat country.

h e l p


Parker the point is, you often come off as antagonistic for the sake of it. Contrarian. At times it seems like there’s no point you won’t defend, if enough people are against it.

It’s your right to do that, but that begins to annoy most people after some time, and may make you unpleasant to interact with in their opinion.

And as for the pregnancy tracker thing? You did defend that. You said lots of companies do it, and implied people were overreacting. It may not be a direct defense, but you were implying that it’s not a big deal, because lots of companies do it.

There’s also the fact that you’ve basically sided with Blizzard, to my face, when I’m in trouble for a technical breach of conduct, but in this case you’re all in favor of one. Posting in the wrong forum for the sake of getting more attention.

Which then makes me think “okay he doesn’t really believe the points he’s making, he just wants to disagree”


anybody in this thread play Brood War


But I don’t want to be hostile to anyone. Is it the way I phrase things? I guess I just generally miss out on where I’m being antagonistic a majority of the time. I can see that sometimes I do get rude, sometimes without even intending to be, and typically I apologize because I shouldn’t be and I’m in the wrong. I then try to do my best to be more mindful.

I don’t want to upset people by being here and just talking like everyone else does.

You will know when I’m genuinely antagonistic because I’d end up insulting someone intentionally and truly mean it. (In most cases though I just avoid posting anything when it comes to stuff like that, because it shouldn’t be posted here and I shouldn’t be so upset sometimes because I do know I overreact and I try not to overreact.)

Posting in the wrong forum isn’t against the rules I see in the CoC or general forum rules. It’s not something you should do, but it does happen from time to time. Their idea of the popular place being where to post is wrong, and all technical complaints should go into that forum. I already said this.

But I really don’t get too upset when someone posts in the wrong place. I just don’t mind them being here and I’m even confused why people get so upset when someone posting from a character not from our server happens to post here.

What’s your original point then? What was the point of raising an issue? If it wasn’t that you disagree they posted in the wrong place, then what’s the problem this time?

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That was a proud day for us.


I don’t see any reason to talk in circles if all you’re going to do is question things I already answered. I’m not in the mood to be trolled by you today. I already addressed this up above. I never responded to that point in the first place. I responded to what you said about Blizzard only being here when they read something that’s been reported. Which, we already talked about and Don’t need to further.

I’m not responding to you again in this thread.

Is it REALLY a warcrime if they arent an orc?


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Okay, okay. For a small fee, other members of the Horde can launch an orc instead of themselves.


You answered, and then I pointed out your answer was false, and you didn’t respond.

Hey same. See you when some company gets busted for something awful and you appear to explain why we’re all being dramatic.


And what’s funny is even if we were heavily moderated, reports or no, mods are minimum wage workers who will never breathe the same air as devs. So the idea that them seeing complaints will get anything done is just nonsense.

Devs get forwarded stuff from certain thread types. Server forums are not those types. They never have been. It’s why forum types exist


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Do you have something you’d like to share?

Seriously, what is that song? Is it just Freehold with some guys saying words over it?

E: …it is just Freehold. This song is a banger.


cuz i know yall are hella wondering what i’m talking about:


I guess I lied. I realized I didn’t address this. What I said was that I don’t have much of a problem with people selling my personal data, and even agreed if it’s nefarious, like price gouging their insurance or deciding to not allow promotions, or selling their health data to specific carriers, etc, it’s most certainly wrong.

And then y’all brought up the possibilities of other things and I said ‘I dunno’, because I didn’t know why they would want this data.

Reflecting back now, it probably isn’t for their benefit and looking into it, it seems a few days later Blizzard said as much. So it absolutely is wrong.

Since this is already so far off topic.
I am now expressing a polarizing opinion tbat will make you mad.