Blizzard Raising Open World Ilvl from 246 to 252 - Casuals Rejoice

Ooo /popcorn

Brother. Is that you?

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More childish remarks from the peanut gallery. Put me on ignore.

I don’t get it either. I wish these dumb “difficulty” levels would just go away. Heroic is the casual raid setting. Mythic is the “real” raid setting, bypassed by M+ dungeon gear. Ilvl is meaningless. It’s a pointless low effort ratrace that I just don’t bother participating in anymore.

They’d have to get rid of the M+ mode and make only heroic and mythic be the difficulties we can raid. Have LFR just be like its own thing, some side stories that give different rewards.

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More “Rules for thee but not for me” from Rhielle, giving advice they never take themselves. What a shocker~ You gave childish remarks to the person you replied to telling them not to, while insulting them. Surprise.

solo player content with this progression path strolls in

looks around and sees a flaming dumpster fire

throws more fuel onto the fire then runs out


I can understand removing normal difficulty raids but why are you removing mythic+? What they could do in mythic+ is award only heroic raid item level gear and any gear higher than that gets scaled down inside the dungeon.

So mythic+ gear is the best for mythic+ and heroic raiders have the same item level as mythic+ players. And mythic raiders would have the same item level in keystones as mythic+ players.

You suggesting to remove it altogether to me is just a lazy solution


LFR has always been equal to or lower than world gear. There is a reason to do LFR if you don’t do normal. Trinkets are an inordinate amount of DPS, and LFR still drops trinkets.

But for every day gear, LFR has never been the bees knees.

It’s hilarious how you think telling someone to stop harassment is childish. No wonder you’re so hostile all the time. You don’t even understand what they’ve been doing in this thread since the very beginning.

Did you know that there’s roughly 8 posts of theirs targeting Clark specifically, for no other reason than to trash him and insult him?

Of course not. Because it’s more fun to support harassment for you.

Enjoy that twisted view of the world.


Lived through the whole fight so not a carry.

What’s it like being bitter and wrong all the time?

Yes really.



Because all my characters have Snoz and the class letter in it? That would actually be creativity not intellect if you were being technical.

You strike out again.

I never made such a claim.

Mplus has many items that are bis for multiple classes.


Just to name a few.


Would require me to actually snoop.

Is anyone mad at this? If you are, then please give a good reason.

This game going to be so fun

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im pretty sure at this stage in the discussions the only people hoping for low ilvls in world content are the ones that sell carries


Go back & check his post on how he belittles people for not being M+ or In a M raiding guild. The reason I am pointing out (not attacking) his profile is he refuses to make his profile public. If he’s as good as he states he is, he should not have a problem with a public profile. Done chatting with you,bye

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Why? Each respective version of end game has their own progressive system

Open world has your box
PvP has their rating system + currency
M+ has scaled difficulty
Raids have difficulty tiers as well

The cube is the only one that’ll allow you to continue to upgrade by doing the same difficulty over and over.

It is by far the easiest progressive system coming in 9.2. And it’s not time-gated by any means. There’s nothing stopping you from staying logged in for 36 hours straight tagging every rare and opening every treasure chest at your own pace until you’ve accrued enough currency to do as you wish.

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Because mythic+ is a toxic hellhole that bypasses the hardest difficulty PvE content. Its mere existence sorta ruins mythic raids as well since all the top guilds farm them before doing the actual raid bosses. Getting faster world firsts as a result.

I’m also not really a fan of its current implementation. Having timed runs just fuels the toxicity. If you aren’t perfect or doing the most optimized route you get screamed at. People drop runs they think won’t meet the timer they want, screwing over whoever owns the key. Challenging content shouldn’t be timed, it should be something you can chip away at with a dedicated group and build relationships with for continuing to improve what was initially a disaster.

But yeah it could be redone. That item level retuning could be a decent start. I still think it promotes way too much toxicity with the limitation of it being timed to get the best rewards. It just makes people not want a tank who’s never done it before. It makes people not want classes that might not be the best at dps. It doesn’t give people time to socialize or teach others how to get better. All it does is make people go in, silently do something they’ve already rehearsed, and move onto the next anonymous group. Assuming its a successful group and doesn’t fall apart. Or worse, they skip the chance at failure and just pay for carries.

FF14 just spoils me in how much better the game could be when in a group. Where failure isn’t that big of a deal. The worst thing that happens is you respawn in front of the boss. Maybe you’ll run out of the very generous 60 minute timer for a 5 minute fight… and at worst, just have to queue for it again with the same people. People are willing to learn and get better at things when given a chance to.


They do have an obsession. They specifically came into this thread to trash Clark. With the hostility and vitriol they threw out, that means Clark is living in their head. That’s an obsession. And it does absolutely seem like a creepy stalker thing.

None of that is childish. You have a very twisted view of things.

You mean after you start it every single time and always have?

Take your own advice with your own childish “rules for thee” crap.

Ah… the truth comes out. Hi there Aco/Maizou.

Thanks for clearing that up.


It loses the challenge when you can take 4 hours to do a 20 minute dungeon by waiting for every cooldown to be available for every pull.

Time restraints are part of the challenge. Why do you think most competitions are time based?

They haven’t announced an xpac??? Lol

I wonder if our Stewards will resent our robots? It’d be fun if they started trash talking each other when summoned at the same time.


whatever :roll_eyes: