Blizzard Raising Open World Ilvl from 246 to 252 - Casuals Rejoice

Then why is everything designed to be a pointless grind?

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Here’s another question for you Clark, Why do you hide your profile…is it because you are actually a very bad player & you don’t want people on GD to see how bad of a player you really are?

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I have no idea what you’re on

Most of my gear was from the vendor and then was upgraded with honor points that had to be farmed


Yeah that’s rubbish.

Not everyone has a Heroic clearing guild to call on like its an airdrop.


Because they need you to pay month after month.


No what i have been say & have always said about Clark, is that he need to cut people down to his level to make himself feel better about himself. He won’t let people view his profile. If he’s as good as he says & thinks he is…his profile would be open to view. Thats all I am attempting to get across to the posters on GD.

Because that’s how they want to design their game :man_shrugging: I don’t think “Blizz hates casuals” they just have an idea in their head about how they want people to play and they are sticking to it.
If I were in charge of Wow development I would do the same thing. My idea’s would more than likely be different than what Blizz is currently doing but in the end I’d still be designing the game the way I wanted it to work.
Maybe you would like how I ran Blizzard but I’d be no different than them and it wouldn’t mean that I hate any particular group of people.

Yet I have achievements for 8/10 mythic so not false.

Yes really.


Vanilla statistics mean absolutely nothing when discussing shadowlands.

Thanks for linking pointless statistics.


Because solo players especially in GD follow the “if you give a mouse a cookie” mindset.

7/10, 4/10. :3

Not really.


You literally asked lmao, and it does. Unless Blizzard is back to releasing sub numbers and we can compare to how many people are raiding.

You’re the one that made the accusation that solo players are not the majority in the first place, when it’s always PROVEN to be the case they are~

Like raiders, that need the ‘greatest and bestest’ gear so much they had to complain all of BFA so M+ gear wouldn’t be equal in SL?

That want more gear than they needed to kill the bosses? Mythic should be cosmetic only.

Also lol low level classic posters, always the same.

I haven’t seen Clark make any claims about his own gameplay. All he said was that if you want heroic raid loot, you have to find a heroic raid group to play with.

That’s not cutting someone down. The irony here is that you’re the one attacking him by continuing to point out his profile and his own raiding experience. It’s irrelevant to the topic at hand.

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see even blizzard’s diablo has been nice to me so far. I am getting enough legendaries I have blinged out companions lol. here you go karmac…a very nice legendary sword useless to my dual hand crossbow DH.

D3 I have bought like 3 times + necro expacs some cases. PC, xbox and switch. they got paid. they can be nicer there.

Wow…they need us monthly lol.

Ah… I love how these threads always have to immediately go the condescension route towards casuals.

Never change, GD.


That’s not true I keep my profile private because I’m a private person

Hunters actually 5/10 with fatescribe kill.

Like I said do your snooping better.

Yes really.


You clearly don’t know how statistics work.
Statistics form 17 years ago hold zero value.

However you clearly aren’t as smart as you think you are.

but thats not what i was talking about
you’re avoiding the question lol

Then prove it with statistics from shadowlands.

Mplus is still the best way to gear :joy:

This doesn’t even apply to me.

Given your parses? 0/10 where you actually participated enough and didn’t get a carry, since you want me to snoop better. “Median” Parse grey 12, oof~

Not really.


So you have stats for now?

Ah, you don’t. Also, hence why your names are “Snozh, snozr,” etc. :wink:

Soon as you do, you made the claim first and in many threads.

M+ gear not BiS for anyone, as far as I’m aware. :3

Applied to the person right below. I guess…

Oops, do your snooping better. :3

Your harassment and obsession needs to stop. You can literally look him up without the freaking profile button and this constant need to try to reply and belittle him is bordering on creepy stalker.

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More “Rules for thee but not for me” From Rhielle, haha.

Quit talking to yourself.