Blizzard Raising Open World Ilvl from 246 to 252 - Casuals Rejoice

Nope nor should it.

You’re a prime example of why Blizz should ignore solo players. You’re never happy.


Its part catch up gear. Framing this as a negative is bewildering. Youll be okay… i promise.

Pretty sure the group you’re talking about is actually ‘raiders’ not solo players. Always angry if solo players get anything, because you think you ‘deserve’ more despite being a minority. :3

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They do not speak for all of us. Actually not many of us.


I don’t know what any of this is in regards to.

Ah I must have looked at a later end boss, Jailer drops 285

The 2hr point is the important part.

Negative. I actually play the game and don’t demand Blizz cater to me.

Nope. I just want solo players to actually do the hard content to get the gear they want instead of expecting it handed to them.

No one deserves anything. If you want the same ilvl as raiders go do the same content.

Also solo players are the biggest minority in the game.

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I really wish they would add more solo activities though. Progression aside, more solo content like the Legion Tower/Brawlers Guild is needed in this game. They put ‘effort’ into the scaling technology, they should use it.

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I would disagree. They speak for a lot of the solo posters I have seen on this forum.

Clearly not, you haven’t cleared mythic! ;3

You mean like what would happen if the max ilvl gear dropped from the zone from the start instead of a month+ later? They would still have to work towards that gear.

So, raids and M+ Shouldn’t drop gear? OK then, you have fun with that.

Wrong, ever since Naxxramas solo players have been the majority. Hence such a small % did it.


Define “solo player”.

I consider myself a solo player but I do group content I just don’t do premade group content (so anything that’s not made by a random matchmaker).


8/10 before I took my break which is more than most people.

Braindead trivial content should never reward the best gear.

Way to take things out of context. It seems par the course for you.


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Yeah but the next ilvl will be much higher then 252 lol.

7/10 on rogue, 4/10 on hunter. Haha, woops again~

So no raids or M+ for best gear then? Got it.

Not out of context at all, it’s your words.

Correct, from Blizzard themselves~

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1/10 is more than most people :rofl:


When was the last time we had attunements? BC, I believe?

Suppose I don’t because I don’t buy them. Guess someone like you would be much more likely to know. And no, I don’t do Mythic - kinda like you!

Ah, so you’re trolling. Got it.

Considering mine was a 72 against Sylvanas I’m going to go ahead and say your might need glasses.

More trolling. How wondrous you must be as a person.

So you believe that normal raid ilvl loot should drop from creatures designed to be solo killed easily from the onset of the patch because…? I mean wouldn’t that make the use of LFR entirely irrelevant?

So more trolling and you obviously not knowing what you’re talking about. Gotcha

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solo player walks into the room

turns around

walks out


Pvp conquest gear requires 89,000 honor to upgrade (starts at ilvl 233, ends at 259) and pvp honor gear requires ~60k honor to upgrade or so (starts at ilvl 213(?), ends at 233)

You can’t buy fully upgraded gear on the vendor it’s all upgrades

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I haven’t seen “lawl” since like 2005.
Anyways. Nothing more annoying that sideline cheerleaders.

If you have something to say then just use your words like an adult.

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You’re a solo player.

A solo player who only does solo content. If you do anything that has a que for it then you’re a solo player.

He did

Now answer his question on why it’s “elitist” for me to say “find a group for heroic”

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