Blizzard Raising Open World Ilvl from 246 to 252 - Casuals Rejoice

Sweet. I love being lazy.

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So they have to upgrade the box, again, to get higher ilvl gear to drop in m+? No? Ok then your point isn’t anywhere near what I was talking about, try again.

Definitely can, actually. They just don’t want to take that long doing it, so they try to outgear the content to get it down week 2, 3, etc instead of what would be later. Hence why when raiding content gets re-released later (See Classic, or Pservers) they go down a lot earlier in lower ilvl gear.

Mythic raiders aren’t downing the last boss of the raid in Heroic gear.

I think they’re high or something.

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It should have been this way all long. The fact that the previous design sounded bad resulted in people saying (a fair number of them) that they were skipping the patch and doing a wait-and-see on 10.0. They aren’t heroes. They lost customers over this.

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Some ‘’‘‘might’’‘’ but they’re not the norm at all and aren’t part of this discussion because they’re not the norm for the players of this game.

What exactly is the problem with the progression for open world stopping at Normal Raid ilvl?

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Do you have any evidence to substantiate that, or no?

I just think if ‘the filthy casuals’ ie majority are required to ‘progress’ a time gated box system and grind currency in the new zone to get their ‘max ilvl gear’ to even DROP the same should be true of M+, raiders, etc.


No, they have to upgrade their social ability and do it as a group. The box upgrade is for people to do solo. Want those higher rewards faster? You need to group up. Call it a solo time tax if you want


how is it elitist to tell you to go find a group to do heroic with lol?

There’s no time-gated box for ‘social ability’ and in fact, you can buy raid and M+ carries without any conversation, etc. Touting ‘social ability upgrade’ as something for raiding and M+ is silly. :3

Want a solo time tax? Here’s a tax - retail wow has less raiders than TBC classic, and retail is bleeding subs more than any other game. Have fun playing your ‘mmorpg’ where you try to gatekeep people you think are ‘beneath’ you for not always partaking in YOUR specific choice of group content Kalistiria

They are for normal/heroic, mmyep. Day 1 actually.

It takes some time, yes. Not as much as it used to, because they do weird stuff like spending millions of gold on BoEs, getting lended gold from boost communities, and ‘split runs’ with either guild or randoms depending how many they do.

Go for it, just don’t complain when you can’t get anyone for M+, or new recruits for raids when yours quit because no one wants to play this game anymore because the 1% decided to push the rest out. :3

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You have an incredibly warped idea of how fast raiders/m+/pvpers get geared.

They aren’t and haven’t though. You can obtain gear that is Normal Raid ilvl, that’s pretty generous for killing 10 mechanical chickens.


Gonna take those doing world content longer, because they have to upgrade the box before even getting that ilvl to drop. Imagine killing mythic raid bosses, you get your drop! But it’s a couple weeks away from when you’ll be able to get the ‘max ilvl’ version so in essence, it’s pointless.

Bruh, people go literal months without getting the piece they want. Some folks go 2 months without even getting to the boss they want for the piece of gear they even get a chance at. Then when they finally down the boss they want, it takes them a month to even see their drop but then it dropped for the guild member that doesn’t even need it but can’t trade it because it was an ilvl upgrade.

Sit down and kill your chickens for your normal raid tier loot.


After trying to follow this thread but getting no where do solo players like myself upgrade a box for our progression to upgrade our gear up too 252 or so and it is same box everyone else upgrades just mine takes longer.

If this is the case then give me the dang box so I can upgrade it because I am one of those solo players that want to earn my gear not have mythic handed to me upon log in.


Same thing for World content, months before they get that drop they want, sometimes more, etc.

Same for world content, they never get to see the ‘wq’ or whatever up that will drop it.

Same thing for world content, amazing.

Nope, I just won’t partake. Will keep playing Classic, you know the game with higher raid numbers than retail. :3

Sit down and Checks notes Not even raid mythic yourself but try to say what mythic people deserve or world content people deserve.

too little too late for me I checked it out this month but can’t hang with the grind. Korthia is awful and I’m not spending all my day doing catch up.

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It’s just like catalogue research from Korthia. There are a set a mount of tiers you can achieve and said tiers give you access to upgrade your gear further.

Correct, those willing to be social and play with others don’t need to be time-gated. That’s always been the norm for WoW

Incorrect. Setting up pricing and discussing what you need is a conversation. You don’t have to upgrade the box for those, either, so I don’t see what your problem is there

Do you have any kind of information backing that claim up, or are your sources “trust me, bro” ?

Who was I trying to gatekeep and in what way? I’m not stopping anyone from doing g group content, nor am I saying not to give solo players the gear. Blizzard designed a system for solo people to work up to better gear, why do you think k that’s a bad thing, or are you just too impatient to actually do something for your upgrades?

Typically outdoor content is significantly easier to complete than dungeon or raid content, and the rewards tend to reflect that

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Bad move. Don’t go there. :scream: This whole topic will be changed.

READ what i posted…is it that hard for you to do?

I did read, all of the conversation.
my question still stands