Blizzard Raising Open World Ilvl from 246 to 252 - Casuals Rejoice

Nope! Not interested, so clearly not. If raiders, M+, and etc don’t have to upgrade the box to get their drops at that ilvl as well then they’re ahead of getting gear. Make them have to grind the box as well and any drops beforehand are ‘lower’ then maybe it’d be a correct system.

If you’re a “Raider” or “M+er” why do you even need gear? If you killed the boss, you already had the gear to be eat it! :3 Checkmate.


Are you the Lorax? Then I don’t think you speak for the trees.

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Curiously, a second ago you went…

Oddly enough, another “Rules for thee, but not for me” Types I see!


There is a lot of grinding involved with Raiding/M+/PvP progression. What world do you live in?


A purely fictional one.


You do realize that mythic raiders will have to do the grind and upgrade the box anyways.

Your entitlement is showing.


Far as I’m aware, raid, M+, and PvP gear doesn’t require upgrades to get the gear to drop at it’s max ilvl? It just drops that way from the start, no matter how early someone clears it. So, day 1 for normal/heroic raids and at least half of mythic on week 1, etc. M+ is even faster.

Says the “I’m a raider but I’ve only done LFR” panda~


Its a nice little boost to world content. Good for players that like that.


Ah, so mythic raid gear and such will drop at a lower ilvl until they do? Not what they said, hmm.

You need gear to work toward the higher difficulties. wtf are you talking about

Why do people even respond to this guy?


So your argument is that mythic raids shouldn’t drop any loot since that’s the ‘end difficulty’?

Not a guy, for one, so don’t assume. Use they/them or their name if you don’t know next time.


Thanks Blizzard!

I actually enjoyed Korthia and geared up 12 characters, one of each class.

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You really should stop eating that free candy and get quality imported candy. The good candy is anything but free.

Candy Mountain! Candy Mountain!

That’s not how any of that works, other than raid gear.

M+ drops many ilvls below what is considered good, and you have to upgrade a rating in order to earn the ability to upgrade those items. In order to earn that rating, you have to progressively upgrade keys by playing those dungeons.

PvP gear is improved purely by upgrades. You funnel resources into upgrading them by progressing a rating system that allows you to further upgrade them.

Your argument was that they need the gear to do the higher difficulty, and if they can kill the mythic bosses in heroic gear then they don’t need any more gear, especially end-raid bosses.

It is, actually. M+ Drops gear at the max ilvl for that M+ no matter what level your box is at. Same for raids, same for PvP.


That’s not even true either. The first week of M+ the ilvl is artificially reduced so that it doesn’t overshadow Heroic ilvl gear.

What are you talking about?

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