Blizzard Raising Open World Ilvl from 246 to 252 - Casuals Rejoice

Go into Torghast with a healer and 2 dps and you don’t need good gear to have fun. Yay for being busted!

Especially 2 havoc + rsham, I’ll have to try this. Maybe Balance, Havoc, Rsham

Oh, I see. Yeah, this was all added today. Talk about going down to the wire with updates.

These gloves from a screenshot I took yesterday:

Same gloves just now:

So they added the new “Cypher Equipment” tag to drops, and the new leveling category to the Cypher console.

I wonder how the “Unique-Equipped: Personal Melody(1)” factors in.

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But yeah, that was more my point from the get go when these topics were popping up the past couple of weeks.

More fun features at the endgame to keep people engaged and wanting to log in and play, instead of the time-gated MAU metric focused content that tugs at the lizard brain and attracts whales.


Once you upgrade on your main the time gate is removed on Alts.

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Pretty nice, and Normal ilvl should be more than enough. :+1:

They should have made it a rogue-lite from the get go and have it be optional. They don’t need to channel everyone into something for it to be successful. Folks participated in the Brawlers guild with not much incentive.

Still hoping the system stays as a base solo experience for the game.


Rafiq is also still selling straight-up 246 gear, btw, I just checked.

Just mentioning because poor Rafiq isn’t getting a lot of attention.

Does it drop at ilvl 252, or is it ‘upgrades’? If it’s upgrades, not interested. :3 Unless of course they made all raid and M+ gear (mythic included) drop at lower ilvls and require to be upgraded as well, etc.


and it will probably act like void lord at the start of BFA and agro crap from halfway across the zone.

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Drops at 252. There’s no upgrade system. It works like how world quest ilvl upgrades work. Once you pass some threshold, better gear starts dropping.

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I haven’t been having any issues with Pocopoc going berserk and aggroing stuff.

He’s also smaller than I am, so…


You so cute and lovable AHHHH!

Teeny beanies unite :star_struck:


So instead you have to ‘upgrade’ the box? Again not interested unless raid and M+ Gear to drop at the same levels require that same upgrade.

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Pandering pan·​der | \ ˈpan-dər \ pandered; pandering\ ˈpan-​d(ə-​)riŋ \ Essential Meaning of pander. disapproving : to do or provide what someone wants or demands even though it is not proper, good, or reasonable.

Hmmm… gonna have to disagree there.


Omg so cute! Pepe looks so happy!! :pleading_face::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::pleading_face::heart_eyes:

this makes me happy, thanks Blizz !

Yes. You upgrade the box. That’s your progression system. Raiding players progress by raising the difficulty from Normal to Heroic to Mythic and slowly working their way through content, M+ players progress by raising their key level by doing content, open-world players progress by leveling up a box.

That’s how it works. When progression doesn’t have a natural time-gate through skill progression, then it has a currency progression. This is how “casuals” want the system to work.

How exactly would you expect a progression system to progress in a way that progresses progressively? Lol.


It’s like solo players hate anything that’s given, despite Blizzard bending over backwards to give them something to do besides chew on their own hair.

If you’re a “casual” then why do you even need the gear?

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That is very, as they say, “kawaii”.

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