Blizzard Raising Open World Ilvl from 246 to 252 - Casuals Rejoice

Curiously, the people that think raiding should be the ‘end all, be all’ for gear and such, along with M+ don’t have a parse requirement to go with it… If it was actually about skill, and ‘who’s better’ it would, and gear would matter less in the first place.

Really, they’re just holding onto their feeling of ‘superiority’ over solo and casual players and that’s why the thought of said players getting anywhere near equal levels of gear offends them so much.

Because they know Raids, M+. and all can be bought carries with no effort to get said gear since there’s no parse requirement to get the ‘best ilvl’. Meanwhile, solo players even by game rules have to earn everything on their own. All the time and effort.


and so, normal raiding dies.


The big difference between M+/Raid/PvP players and open-world players is that when ilvl progression stops, people who actually play the game for fun can have fun playing the game, whereas people who play for a dopamine hit from an ilvl boost feel lost and confused. They see other people continuing to play the game having fun and feel they’re “second class” because they focused on the wrong thing instead of learning how to actually have fun.

Now, it is natural to want to say something like “well maybe open-world should be more fun” but open-world players wanted the content to be unfun because they demanded any challenge by nerfed into oblivion. Fun for the sake of fun largely comes from engagement, and engagement comes from actually needing to fire neurons in your brain.

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Then why would solo players ‘need’ gear if it doesn’t matter?

‘Earn everything’ must be a pretty low threshold if you can clear their ‘super hard’ content in green gear.

Rofl you’re totally clueless.

I wouldn’t be so quick of throwing stones in the glass house if I were you. The mirror of these complaints is all the complaints about the Vault eventually hitting disminishing returns at around 10 or so ilvls before the cap. So, is not only solo players doing it for “number goes up brain feels good”.

It was said, many, many years ago, that chasing numbers just to chase bigger numbers was just a never ending hamster wheel. So, I think is honestly more healthy to pick something you want to do and treat numbers as a way to that goal, instead of treating them as the goal itself.

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100% this. Like I said, they’re the MMO equivalent of the overweight 30 somethings sitting at home on sundays yelling at their football games trying to relive their glory days of high school football where all the teachers told them they were the most important in school, but can’t handle the harsh reality that isn’t, and never was the case.

I’d argue the psychology of that is different. Spinning a wheel over and over because there’s a puzzle piece missing and Blizzard denying you the ability to fill that hole is what feels bad, not that the road ends. M+ers wouldn’t enjoy the game less if they actually got a 252 BSS, whereas you constantly see casuals complain when they get to the end of the road. This was VERY pronounced in 9.0 where completing the Covenant set was something quick and attainable.

Gear is a means to an end in many cases for M+ers. It is the end for casuals.

50 guilds on the first page.

And y’all keep proving my point to boot. There’s only one group of players in this game complaining about how they wont feel special if everyone gets gear, and makes literally every topic asking for more to do in game about gear.

You guys need to stop projecting your insecurities on the rest of the player base. The truth is you were never special, and you need a better means of validating your life choices than killing schlockey pulp fantasy villains.

And there’s only one group of players demanding gear while refusing to play the game to get the gear.

You need to stop being delusional and lying.

Which is ironic coming from the people that say their gear isn’t special enough. So how do you square that circular logic?


Well, we already know people will do world content regardless of gear and rewards, otherwise this topic wouldn’t exist at all. Let’s remove all the gear rewards from Raids/M+ and see how many people continue to do it. If you’re right and I’m wrong, and this isn’t just a niche part of the player base, it shouldn’t change a thing right? If it’s all about skill, let’s make it REALLY all about skill.


Again, this argument doesn’t make sense. If it isn’t about the gear, then why are solo players asking for better gear when their skill should be enough?

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If that was even true then this topic wouldn’t exist because they wouldn’t want the higher gear.

What a stupid idea. People get rewarded for putting effort into the game. If you want a rewarding game for no effort I suggest playing a different game.

I am right. I literally posted proof that more that “33 guilds” have killed heroic sylvanus. You have to either be trolling or clueless to even post that statement.

They will? Because “world quest” players are some of the most fickle players who come and go, I believe they’re literally referred to as “seasonal players”.

I recall some data saying something like half the players who are capable of pushing beyond KSM choosing to do so, even though there are no gear rewards for doing so. If even half of the open-world players would choose to play the game with no rewards this game would have an insane amount of players, but they don’t. They come and go because they’re driven only by dopamine hits or addictive collection behavior.

lol, see how quick the SAME 3 PEOPLE are to rush in and say “it’s different for us, because we ARE special! Quit trying to dull our glow!”


We actually do the content, and we’re confused why a solo player would need better gear for open world content, when said solo players say that gear doesn’t matter, and their ‘skill’ doesn’t go farther than farming the Rift.

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You could argue the same thing for raids, couldn’t you? I was mocking people that say raiding should be the be all, end all for gear and how it’s all about skill and how solo/casual players should ‘do raids/m+ to earn it’ etc while a ton of participants of raids and M+ get carries, one way or another. If you really wanted to argue it’s about ‘skill’ and ‘who is better’ then only purple+ parses would be getting higher ilvl gear. Requiring pink to get your ‘BiS’ for raids and M+, that’s what you want isn’t it? A system that rewards the BEST players with the BEST performance?

Further, if you can kill the boss in whatever gear your raid has… Guess you don’t need gear from raid bosses, especially mythic and end bosses.

You mean like I can go through mythic completely naked and not attack anything, and still get BiS gear? :3


No, you can’t. I know in your warped way of thinking that progress shouldn’t be rewarded, but no, you can’t.

Except that you can’t. Again with these outlandish statements.

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