Blizzard Raising Open World Ilvl from 246 to 252 - Casuals Rejoice

By the way I’m not surprised you’re back to responding after being laughed out of the forums for trying to pretend to be a top 5 feral.

You mean my three purple one blue and one green parses by ilvl?

Not sure what you’re referring to, not top 5. Top 10, sure. Pretty sure you were laughed out for grey parsing, not me. :3

I mean your 12 grey parses.

Bro… is it really that hard to accept the world doesn’t revolve around you?

Everyone knows that’s not you so you can stop pretending :joy:

I was never laughed out. Only you were.

Sure thing. It’s ok to be too scared to post your logs. Especially after how much talk you talk.

The irony of this statement considering you want free tier pieces.


Oddly enough, none of them are EU players so I’m not bothered and don’t really care if they believe or not.

Sorry, you were. Laughed out of raids and playing a certain class, too. :3

I did post them, you never posted yours curiously~ So I guess more projecting.

Like someone getting carried by their guild while grey parsing?

You have fun now, I’m actually gonna you know… Be useful to people, and have fun~ Gonna use ignore since really, debating someone like you is pretty worthless.

Holy macaroni. Are people seriously comparing parses in this thread now? This game is going off the rails on a crazy train.


TBH, there’s a high likelihood Blizzard adds some mechanism for open-world players to get tier in 9.2.5. Then again, I could be wrong, since 9.1.5 never really fixed the Dom Socket / Stygian Ember situation either.

where did I ever state that’s what I wanted? I’m sorry guys, but all you M+/Raiders who want to keep the focus of development on this very niche part of the game…which I might add, has literally driven away millions of players…are really just coming across as sweaty armchair “jocks” who are trying to relive your glory days of when you “scored a touchdown in the high school homecoming game”. We get it, E-Sports used to make people think you were the “cool guys”, but it’s a dying genre and WoW needs to shake itself of the sweaty stink of it.

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Very niche part of the game? Lol.

Just… lol.


Snoz has been for a while.

Blizzard Raising Open World Ilvl from 246 to 252 - Casuals Rejoice - #570 by Snozh-malganis

Which is ironic, given over 12 grey.

They can sit there and talk about how others ‘don’t deserve their gear’ or whatever, but we all know the truth about them which is… they didn’t earn their own. That’s why they’re so angry, they don’t want others to put in as little work as they did and get the same gear. :3 They’re salty no matter the gear, their parses still end up grey.

Raiding is the primary endgame. It’s not a niche part of the game. Solo play is the actual niche of the game.

That’s reaching. You don’t know why people quit and even then to say it’s because of raiding is a giant reach.

Look even more reaching :joy:

Raiding isn’t really an esport so keep talking about more stuff you don’t know.

Maybe or maybe not. However solo players that choose to exclude themselves from the majority of the game shouldn’t be catered too.


The fact the game can’t even retain 1/4 of it’s player base after making that part of the game the main development focus for the past 3 expansions makes it the very definition of the word “niche”.

And that’s not even speaking of the fact they had to implement LFR because, again, it was ALWAYS a niche part of the game and they needed to justify continued development resources into that part of the game.

Sorry, but it is what it is. Niche.

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Bruh… “retention issues” are literally because casuals are fickle and that’s nothing new for Blizzard - Blizzard plans around this. M+/Raiding/PvP players stick with the game. “Casuals” play the new patch or expansion for a few months and leave because they don’t have a long attention span and barely care about the game besides seeing something new and shiny (and that cycle gets shorter and shorter each time as it becomes harder to “wow” players who want a quick hit).

Shadowlands sold what, 7 million something copies within the first months? And then you look at the course of the expansion and how we’re down to a few million, and the number of M+ and raiding players drops a bit but not that much in comparison. It’s mostly just fickle casuals who get tired of the new hotness that come and go. And that’s built into the model for the game now by design.

The only wrench in Blizzard’s projections were all the negative allegations. This idea that Blizzard’s design model is “failing” is a joke. The Legion model has been a huge success for Blizzard.


Cared enough to post someone else’s logs :joy:

I wasn’t laughed out of anything. I wasn’t enjoying rogue so I swapped.

No you posted someone else’s logs pretending they were yours which is why you deleted the link 2 minutes after posting it.

I wasn’t carried.

The irony of that statement rofl. Besides you ignoring me confirms everything I said and that you can’t refute the facts.

Go enjoy pretending to be good at this game :joy:

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I dislike these people. They’re the ones that less than 3 days after an expansion launches are complaining about no content

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Nah. Dude just mad he can’t refute points and tries to drag me by my parses as a undergeared toon. Little did he know I have zero grey parses in mythic by ilvl.

Is normal gear enough for world content? likely, but once people get that, they run out of things to do unless they join group content or are into things like collecting, rare hunting, etc… If people feel like they can’t progress, they quite, if they quit, Blizzard loses money on WoW, if they lose too much money on WoW the game dies.

This is what I don’t get about these discussions. Here’s the thing, there’s always a point on every patch where numbers stop going up. Can endlessly argue about where that point is, but there’s always a point when progression slows and ilvl slowly stops going up until it doesn’t anymore.

If you never felt that because patch release cycle was fast enough to never reach soft or hard caps, well, the slow release schedule has been the biggest issue with the expansion. But numbers eventually stopping is perfectly normal.

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You will never please solo players. The fact you keep prattling on like there’s a magical formula for these players when the Mage Tower failed, Horrific Visions failed, and Torghast has failed.

What do you expect Blizzard to do? They gave them a path to their own gear and it’s still not enough. You want them to make the open world harder just so they can complain that other players breeze past it?

It’s already IN the game, in 9.2. There’s even a boss gauntlet in Torghast. What is there to complain about?

Ironic coming from a solo player.

I raided all the time in the past, but that has zero bearing on the argument. Why is a solo player trying to brag about someone’s past when he doesn’t even participate in it?

This is why players think solo players are a plague. They try to give their input when they can’t even handle the open world content.

Dude, only 26% of the REMAINING playerbase have AOTC Sire Denathrius, and we KNOW that the majority of that was carries.

Only 33 guilds have Defeated H Sylvanas, which is 1/3rd the number that took down Denathrius.,-According%20to%20Raider&text=98%20Guilds%20defeated%20Heroic%20Sire%20Denathrius%20in%20Castle%20Nathria.

It’s Niche, bro. Accept it.

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