Blizzard Raising Open World Ilvl from 246 to 252 - Casuals Rejoice

Ah, the eternal paradox. Anyone can supposedly get a carry at any time, but “open-world players” somehow still can’t get gear. Which is it? Can they get the gear or can’t they?

Yes, and I just did~

Curiously, you argue against that for solo players, meanwhile raiders don’t have to ‘progress’ to get max ilvl?

You can, actually. There’s a reason boosts are sold, silly. Further, grey parsing like Snoz are more evidence of this.

Either way since you want to argue against people all the time, despite only being 216 and doing LFR with no normal/heroic+ kills… Guess I shouldn’t listen to you anyways? ;3


That’s not the same thing. You keep making false equivalencies.

No, I argue that solo players shouldn’t get gear equal to group content.

Says the lvl 50 alt from another country entirely? Must be nice throwing rocks in that glass house of yours.

So you don’t want us to get any gear at all.I guess if blizz listen they’ll give us sticks and stones run in leather.while you guys have the rich detail gear and guns and bows. We’ll be beggars looking for hand outs at the corner street,kissing the feet of our superiors.

Not what I said.

You get what you’ve earned.

You already do that.

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Yup,and you can’t do anything about it but complain.Oh did I heard something?


It’s possibly the mirror you’ve been talking to?

No, that is the dingbats that think everything should be handed to them on a silver platter. Some “solo players” do want to work, want the challenge, even if it is a scaling one.

The fact that some see 1 “solo player” or even a small group of “solo players” and think they speak for all is one reason players like you, Snozh, and Erythrae get slammed for your posts/attitudes.

To put it bluntly:
One group of solo players: we want engaging, challenging content that we can do solo
it gets put in
Another group of solo players: whaaaa it is too hard nerf it
First group: it is fine, just get gud and keep trying
Ones like you: see, see they don’t want a challenge

If you are talking about me, you just again proved how stupid you are:
I raid with my guild
I do M+ with guild and in pugs
I do open world content

This is why players like you get treated like idiots, because you can’t seem to grasp the idea that all content, even solo content, is there for all to do. Snozh knows I raid heroic and such, so he can at least figure I might be after more content to do when such is not going on.



Then speak up please. Seems like most of the people fighting to preserve Mage Tower type content are the same type of people who play M+ and Raiding content - people who enjoy a good challenge.

I mean, there’s the occasional oddball but I don’t really see nearly enough support IMO from “solo players” for this type of stuff.

Ahem, I could easily fall into this group, that aside though, maybe some do speak up only to get drowned out by those I mentioned and the ones who think all “solo players” are cut from the same cloth.


Solo content is at wide skill spectrum. Magetower is tuned for like the high end. When it should have had different difficulties. Many have said they tuned it harder then release. Mage tower has it’s own issues, one being accessibility.

Players who had work getting there socketed gear already had better stat budgets then someone who wasn’t farming them. It would be like them adding just mythic raids and cutting out lfr, normal and heroic.


I won’t disagree with that at all. Mage Tower 2 should probably have several difficulty levels and different tiers of rewards.

They also kept the rng mechanics legion was known to have having and that is frustrating design. MT is designed to be beaten once and not repeatable. Those rng mechanics just made it difficult by adding bad luck elements.


Pretty rich coming from you.

While this is true in my experiences this is a fraction of the solo players on this board. I can think of maybe 3 that want the hard challenge.

Not once have I ever said some solo players speak for all solo players. I’m looking at my interactions with people on this forum. I’m also looking at the feedback and complaining that were done on torghast at launch and the mage tower from solo players.I see all the complaining about Korthia and how it’s “not good enough” normal raid isn’t good enough so they want heroic however doing world quests compared to the effort and management ended to do heroic are not even close. The majority of the people posting about higher gear want the gear not the challenge.

There are maybe three people supporting higher ilvl for solo content that I think legitimately want the harder content.

The main issue I have with your suggestions is having to be forced to do it on top of everything else that’s required especially early patch.

In reality, the older versions of the game were way more focused on dungeons and raids than modern expansions.

Go play TBC classic right now and see how far you’ll get never grouping.

Every patch in the older game was focused on the raid release. That is the driver.

Even in Wrath, they had 1 whole patch in the entire expansion with new world content, the jousting dailies. Not even a new zone.

Every other patch was new raid focused with new dungeons serving as the catchup system.

It’s so beyond me that since Legion Blizzard has made a point to provide progression paths for solo player while people argue the exact opposite.

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Sadly, as long as player power is tied to such, there will be those that will be forced to do it. It is not as much of an issue for me as I tend to find guilds and such that, while they do heroic and M+, tend to be more do it at your own pace/style/etc. Might mean I miss out on the first kills, but I still get them later on.

As much as I hate the forced argument, I do realize there are those that, for that small increase in power, will go to extreme lengths to get it or be asked/told by their guild to do so or be benched. This is part of the price for playing competitively, which is a fine way to play if you find such fun. Not everyone does though, so what can be done to give the ones that don’t play competitively content while not forcing the ones that do to do the content?

252 should have been catch up gear by now and the cap should be whatever Mythic is around the end of 9.2 for 9.2. 252 is 9.1 gear.

In some cases, it seems like the amount went up, but the quality went down. Some seem to look at the amount alone and think that should keep solo players happy, it does not, but at the same time the ding-a-lings that complain about things being too hard make it so that any solo and/or world content is nerfed to no end, often taking the fun out of it because they are idiots that think only gear matters

Really, more people would likely be happier if they were more like have fun to get gear instead of get gear to have fun. The first can enjoy the content and progress while having fun, the second leads to being miserable because the gear is useless unless you have something else to do, that you want to do, solo or you move on to group content.

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