Blizzard Raising Open World Ilvl from 246 to 252 - Casuals Rejoice

My thoughts exactly! You must be my psychic twin.

Shadowlands devs were hoping to keep “casuals” entertained with the endless anima farm for cosmetics, try-hard players milked for their money for tokens for boosts, and top-end players running content endlessly to fill up their Great Vault options every week.

Let’s face it. The current WoW game devs can make raids and dungeons, but they simply do not know how to design an MMO. So instead, they were hoping to keep the game afloat with their hardcore PvE content, funneling all players into that by decimating the gear rewards from world content and unrated PvP.

9.2 is a step backwards for WoW.


You first.

Just because you desperately need to reframe how the word “casual” is used doesn’t mean that God appointed you arbiter of usage.

I’ll explain to you how “casual” works, though for sure you won’t accept it because it won’t stroke your ego.

All other things being equal…

  • The person who plays less is more casual than the person who plays more.
  • The person who plays less hard content is more casual than the person who plays more hard content.
  • The person who plays less organized group content is more casual than the person who plays more organized group content.
  • The casual has a casual attitude about the game and other players. The hardcore judges people and finds them wanting because they’re playing wrong - or for the wrong reasons.

I don’t know what’s up with that “Casuals Rejoice” thing in the title. I don’t see anybody I know throwing parties over this. Is it a command?


This post creates as many ambiguities as it solves
who’s more casual, the person who’s on for 6 hours a week, but gets CE, or the person who’s on 50 hours a week and has trouble killing Normal sylvanas?

The person who does 1 17 key per week, or the person who runs 10 +7s?


With all this PvP gear you have that’s better than the world gear, why do you care?

Doesn’t it just disgust you? Like the way McDonald’s panders to people who like chicken nuggets by selling them 24 hours per day. It’s pitiful. How does a company keep their doors open by giving their paying customers a more enjoyable experience? This is all the customers’ fault for their ridiculous demands!


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You’re not being excluded from anything.

Nah, youre using it wrong.

LOL no

Things are going as well as can be expected. Hope things are going well for you.

No one’s excluding casuals from endgame progression. They actually have to PARTICIPATE in it to get the gear.

Solo players are a completely different story. Exclude them all day and every day from endgame progression.

Thanks for proving once and for all YOU are the scum of WoW. You always come down a=on solo players, because they don’t play YOUR way.

Part of the issue is the content is not fun, you can keep telling solo players they have content, but it is not fun nor rewarding, if it was fun people, aside from loudmouth minorities, would likely not care too much about the ilvl of the gear. It is just if the content is not fun, people at least want to be rewarded for their time spent doing it, I’d rather the content be fun and the gear be more of a bonus.

You don’t:
want solo players to have fun
want solo players to get gear
want solo players to stick around and help keep the game going

I am not saying make the content hard here, but it would be nice for solo players to have something they can do solo, for mounts, pets, etc, after they have capped the gear they can get. I am just asking that if they are going to make it a grind, no matter the ilvl, at lleast make it not feel like a grind so even after they have the gear, they still go to the place for mounts, pets, etc. or maybe connect outside effort from all players to the raid, or pull of another Broken shore/AoL set up where people can contribute to make the lower difficulty of the raid slightly easier (just talking things like up to 5% more dalage done/less damage taken, etc) or contribute to things that players can do or makes ZM more interesting.

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Nice to know people like you exist ,antisocial and control nut .I do hope you’re not a raid

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The funny thing is s/he (avatar is female) is speaking in favor of group content yet being a perfect example of WHY people want solo content.


Yup,and come here with no experience to back it up with except a mouth.

Well, I am willing to give them the benefit of a doubt experience wise, as I am smelling forum alt, possibly on a different account from main.

Even my alts on this account of close to my achievement points, The thing about achievements is all but dungeon/raid/rated PvP ones can be done via solo content or tools for solo players at least when current. If they don’t do solo content, then their achievement points will be lower then those that do such, maybe they need to get such so they can understand some of the challenge or, more accurately, the tedium that solo players deal with chasing what they want.

I look at it as an individual bases so everyone is a soloer in this game so if anyone puts down an soloer it is in fact put every single person down including the one that is criticizing.

Stop acting like casuals are excluded. Solo players are excluded. Casuals are not. Solo players also choose to be excluded.

It’s like a broken record where you keep trying to hide behind being a casual when you’re clearly not.

And that’s why you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.

Bro… is it really that hard to just do a +2? There’s your tier piece.

According to GD, doing a no-leavers +2 will cause their heart to explode, literally killing them IRL. Such a thing is impossible.

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Curious you’re back to trying to talk down to people after your parses hit the light, talking about how you can tell people are good by “Parses” but your own are grey. Quite silly, isn’t it? :3