Blizzard Raising Open World Ilvl from 246 to 252 - Casuals Rejoice

I was soloing Legion mythic raids at between 220 and 226, so 252 should be overkill. Eonar is still trouble, but not in a killing stuff takes too long way.

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And didn’t they just get rid of that system with the expansion that launched on Tuesday? There are different gear caps for different gear sources now in 7.0

Benthic gear. If they make the casual gearing path too good, it will effect raiders.

See above. Your statement about casual gearing never affecting raiders is objectively false.


That’s the trade off of doing solo content.

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Yep. And everyone is quitting. lol

How did that even remotely affect raiders?

425 benthic boots were BiS in raid. They way you did that was you’d use all your alts to farm mana pearls, send the benthic tokens to your main, then you’d hope that it would be the item you wanted (usually about a 1/3 or 1/4), and that it had a socket. This was done in 4 slots, because of the bonus affixes on the gear. They worked in the raid. you could get bonus crit damage, 2 damage procs, and a flat 2% damage bonus when fighting the 5th and 7th boss from world gear.

Funny, When I was on earlier I was seeing many more players online than when I was on last (mid 6.0 cycle)

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Yeah I can see it sucking for people who needed to min/max. But I feel like there’s a huge loss of quality in a lot of the more casual level content that hasn’t been replaced since its removal.

And what ilevel was that compared to the raid difficulties? And how is that the same as what we have now?

LOL no you weren’t. Fleet and DK/Coruscant are always the same, because new players who are f2p and then don’t stick around.

You should read the forums and all about the guilds falling apart and how difficult the gearing is and how much of a failure it is. Conquest is a disaster, the gearing system is a travesty, the talent system is a mess, the UI is trashed, and the list goes on and on. If you’ve played for a decade and done the end game, you’d understand. But seeing as how you love the elitist ladder of WoW, I can see why you don’t have an issue with Old Republic’s new expansion.

N was 415, H 430, M 445, TF cap was 455. they let benthic go to 425 and roll sockets.

This was mentioned because you said:

which reads as “there was never a time when world gear impacted raiders”

This is also ignoring the warfronts giving you a guaranteed piece of heroic raid gear when they were up in BFA.

Then you haven’t been following the conversation, which is the issue. I get that it’s 500+ responses now, but that wasn’t the conversation.

Old is irrelevant. The current systems in this expansion have not affected raiding guilds. That is what we were discussing.

You’re talking about a handful of elitists’ alts posing as casuals who want mythic raid gear, and other obvious trolls. Other than that we see maybe one solo player a month who wants hard content and gear commensurate with that difficulty.

425 benthic gear took an enormous amount of grinding to get the right piece of gear to pop, and it had to have a socket. Then much, much more time to get prismatic manapearls to upgrade that gear. The idea that a full set of 425 raid gear was available to casuals on day 1 is laughable.

More like it was raid gear that casuals had access to if they grinded constantly. Love those worthless procs “fish better in EP”.


Nothing you have said contradicts this. It doesn’t do anything that impacts raiders, until they put something too strong behind it. Normal raid gear behind a major grind is not a problem in it’s current form. I don’t think it’s the best design, but that doesn’t make it problematic. They have absolutely put bis raid gear behind the open world before, or made braindead easy content (normal warfronts in early BFA S1/S2) required for players who want to maximize their characters, and that’s what I’m arguing against.

Once again
 jumping into a conversation that you don’t understand, didn’t read, nor were a part of.

Read what I wrote, go back and read what’s been said, and understand the conversations you’re having. Because you’re arguing something that I never once argued.

That’s not why I was arguing against benthic. The affixes they added to the gear were worth more than the 30 ilvl difference between benthic cap and max TF, so they were bis. That was the problem, not that people who didn’t raid got almost heroic raid gear.

The affixes were worthless to casuals. You didn’t like that?

You took a complaint about how someone’s guild’s normal off night died because of the korthia gear and arrived at world gear has never effected raiders.

Odd of you to try and tell me what I did and did not see when you were not there.


Apparently reading comprehension is hard. I’m out.

Then what point were you trying to make? If reading everything you’ve written here isn’t enough to understand what you were trying to say, you must not have been saying it very well.

You’re incapable of reading comprehension or you didn’t read the entire conversation— WHICH WAS SPECIFICALLY ABOUT KORTHIA. Literally NOWHERE was the conversation about BfA.

So again:

  • Korthia didn’t kill raiding guilds
  • SL solo gear progression is fine
  • Y’all need to knock it off and leave each other alone

Muting this epic disaster of a thread now.


No, pandering would be to give the casuals Heroic or Mythic iLvl gear over time from world content.

Not fine. How would raiders feel if no weapons dropped from the new raid, or key loggers feel if the Great Vault could not generate weapon options?

The low iLvl is bad enough. Excluding weapons is an insult.

Exactly. This is not even a compromise. A compromise would be to maintain Korthia iLvls, which would be 259 for Zereth Mortis gear in all slots.

If you keep on excluding casual and solo players from endgame progression systems, then yeah, they are not going to miraculously be happy with zone-specific gimmicks and buffs.

Raiders got what they wanted. The actual intended audience for the 9.2 upgrade system would never have “wanted” to be excluded from weapon upgrades and set bonuses, and to be awarded an item level lower than Korthia by comparison.

This is a loss for casual and solo players, and a win for the elitists.