Blizzard Raising Open World Ilvl from 246 to 252 - Casuals Rejoice

I’m not seeing that in the end of season announcement. I still have characters carrying over honor from earlier seasons.

It’s always been that way. At the end of the season all valor/honor gets converted to gold and you get it in your mail.

Honor has not been converted to silver for a while. I have a low level character who has been honor capped since the start of Shadowlands and still has that honor. She was honor capped since level 35 and quit PvP when she completed the conqueror title last March.

Sure they do, why do you think sub have suffered so much?


Low level toons do not have seasons

Sentenza knows casuals better than they know themselves. He will bring them all back with this amazing new zone’s gearing system that will allow them to grind chores endlessly. Because that’s what casuals deserve. They will learn that lesson and learn it well.

Their honor used to be zeroed out at the end of a season. But it isn’t anymore. When did that change?

Can you stop using casuals improperly?

So Snoz Druid, Snoz Deathknight and Snoz Demon hunter…?
Hows that work?

When you manage to run 2 accounts on different regions, and actively play two games, as you can see more ESO then WoW recently even I play wow on both EU and US since I’m from EU then we can talk.

Right now you’re just another BM braindead hunter who all skill revolves in showing to event and moving between bosses.

To be on your level I wouldn’t even have to focus on wow primarily. Except in pvp because I dont PVP

Low level toons do not have an end of season reset because they don’t have a season. Their honor has never been reset to my knowledge.

Wouldn’t that just mean that those folks who abandoned Raids/M+ to take the alternate path never really wanted to be in the raid/M+ in the first place?


Sentenza is a casual.

Do you want a cookie? That literally means nothing rofl.

You don’t actively play that rogue at 208 ilvl so you’re completely full of it.

At least I play the game :joy:

I also pvp.

What exactly do you do at 208? Is your Eu account just as bad?

This account is created mid BFA…while EU account is bit better taken in cosnideration time difference and latency. I doubt you’ll understand “time difference and latency” that you have when playing on from US on EU. Regards to pvp there is no reason to compete in something both sides don’t participate.

Probably half of these dungeons are thnx to boosting services, even rating

I understand it fine. I have played on eu servers on siege.

You don’t do anything on that character so not even sure what you’re trying to flex at.

Must be Pawzor trying to save face after being laughed out of the forums last night.

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I haven’t boosted anything but nice try trying to discredit me actually doing content compared to your 208 ilvl self doing 4s.

Long time no see. Hope all is well in your corner.

This was already refuted. So… you’re wrong.

If by the time you get higher level gear the expansion is over they can keep it. Stringing along folks slowly just to drag 15 per month out of them is so obvious. Instead of making fun repeatable content they make things go at a snails pace.


That definition is a bit too vague to be useful imo, since it probably covers over 90% of the players in the game.