Blizzard Raising Open World Ilvl from 246 to 252 - Casuals Rejoice

See above as how you still need cyphers to upgrade your gear

If you didn’t like Korthia, well…

Again as usual, Clark has to cut down the casual player getting a chance at some decent gear. His week wouldn’t be complete if he couldn’t cut someone down.


Cool beans!

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Casuals are more then welcome to get some pieces in heroics with their guild’s

Find the right people and you’ll be happy to raid with them

I didn’t hate Korthia, I disliked Korthia being the only place that felt like it had something to do for the entire patch.


Does it? Esports simply means “this content is fun enough that people are willing to watch other people play it”. Hearthstone has an esports element and yet you wouldn’t be able to tell me it isn’t designed for fun first and foremost.


I see Clark is at it again with his excessive need for admiration


WoD still superior :man_shrugging:

M Sepulcher drops 285 so 269 in 2 hours.


If it’s just like Korthia by the time you get to rank 3-4 you can already do Mythic plus and get higher iLvl items.

Right now with 9.2 you can buy iLvl 223 gear for 500 anima each (just like the random items from Korthia) and get the 233 gear (upgradeable to 252) from the new zone.

People like you are the MAIN reason I quit raiding with the elite crybabies & left the Alliance.


I don’t understand this at all.

Is this a separate system from the Sandworn Relic gear sold by Rafiq? Or is the ilvl of Rafiq’s gear set by the Cypher Equipment Level?

That’s not how ilvl works. The jump from Ilvl 10 to ilvl 20 is the same jump as ilvl 500 to ilvl 510 in terms of relative gain. 10 ilvl is always 1.01^10 more stats.

A 40 ilvl jump is a 40 ilvl jump no matter what. Mythic Sepulcher drops 278 gear. That means you’re hoping for 238 ilvl gear. You only need a single Cypher Equipment upgrade to get 239 gear.

This is a separate system.

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Do we know where? I’ve been all over the PTR and never seen any of this.

Just. Lawl.

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Psst! This is endgame stuff too.

Honestly, I’d like to see it go farther. I’d love to see it climb all the way to the heroic ilvl by a reasonable “end” timeframe for the patch. Where most people have their AOTC if they’re going after it and the gearing process has fallen to a crawl for the more hardcore players.

After all, they pretty much put us at the last patch’s heroic raid ilvl up front anyway. Would be nice to see a way to climb there before the ilvl reset, but far enough away that it’s not a better alternative for raiders and such to gear when content is fresh.


Yes, it does. And it doesn’t just have to be for solo/casuals either. Like, Raidlogging is a thing. There should 100% be more endgame content for that crowd too instead of just “we do the raid till we beat it on the hardest difficulty then unsub till next patch”. Like, M+ is fine if you have a group for it, the issues it has tends to come from people who PUG it, especially with the current system for keys. But it was a good first step in offering an alternate path of progression for non-raiders.

Torghast had an amazing framework to be the next step in this, but then Blizzard, in their typical fashion, corrupt-a-wished it. It could have been an amazing endgame experience for everyone, they have the group scaling technology and have since Legion. I mean, an infinite dungeon with randomized rooms and mobs that gets progressively more difficult the further you go, scales whether you are solo, with a friend, a whole group, or even a raid? That would have been a great new alternative to what already exists at endgame. Throw in some rewards like gear, but also cosmetics like mounts and pets as well. Heck, if you HAVE to have your E-Sports you could even throw in a leader board for those who make it the farthest.

There is plenty of room to EXPAND on the game instead of trying to funnel everyone into 2 paths they probably wont enjoy, while they completely neglect the existing 3rd path for 3-4 expansions now.


Rares and world quests.

Wowhead has an article on it:

In Zereth Mortis, gear pieces obtained from Daily and World Quests can receive item level increases with the Cypher of the First Ones system. On the top left window UI of the Cypher Console, you can see what level is your equipment at, and a mouseover the option will show how many Cyphers you need to invest into researches to earn the next level of Cypher Equipment.

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Took me forever to grind Korthia. So, is this more research? I mean it’s fine with me, not complaining.

:dragon_face: :ocean: :ocean: :dragon_face: :ocean: :ocean: :dragon_face:

Raidlogging is going to happen regardless of how much content they add. You’re going to complete everything eventually. It’s why MMOs have big pop jumps on launches and then it drops by -50%.

I’ve been raid logging the last month and playing other games simply because I was waiting for 9.2 to come. I was expecting it to be out by March.

The community waged war against Torghast.

To be fair, Torghast didn’t know what it wanted to be. Puzzles, exploration, traps, but also time-pressure, boss-fights, and sweaty progression. It was a mode trapped between two different appeals, and it tried to “split the difference” and failed.

Jailer’s Gauntlet looks like a beta test for a feature to come in 10.0. I hope it is popular, so that we could build off it, if the rumors/leaks are to be believed.