Blizzard Raising Open World Ilvl from 246 to 252 - Casuals Rejoice

IDK I had a bit of value in it in Legion. A little less in BFA, but it was still there. It was a decent option for alt gear until they removed titanforging.

The game really has not recovered from Titanforging’s removal at the base level. It might have made CE raiders feel like they have less to do, but it also made the rest of us have no reason to do most of the content we used to enjoy.

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Are you implying that solo players are bad players?

I think they are scared people wouldn’t want to do group content because they enjoy it. Which judging from people playing this game already I doubt.

In fact there are several such trolls at the moment on a forum vacation for pushing limits too far.

You must not be familiar with his modus operandi.

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I’m sure not all solo players are bad players but I have yet to see one that’s good.

I also take the stance of people are bad unless proven otherwise.

If that’s true then good.

I don’t switch characters and even if I did all of my toons have Snoz in the name followed by the class letter.

CE raiders hated it because they were forced to clear multiple difficulties to to hope for a titanforge.

I was fortunate on my alliance rogue that I got ashvanes coral on mythic to tf and have a socket early on and didn’t have to farm that over and over every week.

You can farm up honor now, and get a honor weapon in 9.2 and uppgrade it to max.

Honor weps can in 9.2 be uppgraded to 242 (for pve, and 259 for pvp)…I know compareed to max ilvl in 9.2 its not amazing but its something to start with

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What’s your metric for determining who is good or bad anyways? A specific achievement? Gear?

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Not every one can play end game so it fair all around

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Those people were never doing group content anyway. lol

That’s what gets me about this war on casuals: every argument is rendered moot, because the casual gearing path doesn’t affect the raiders.

It’s all just silly. lol


First time for everything

too little to late for me - I don’t think I can keep playing this game anymore because just not fun

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Its like in sports. You may want to go running for your own body and health. It doesn’t mean you want to join a track team or do a triathalon. We all just want to enjoy the game.

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It doesn’t… until it does.

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It does though and that’s what you don’t see.

You’ve already been refuted in your arguments. It doesn’t.


Honor gets reset at the end of the season.

You might be able to bypass it by buying a punch of pieces before the new patch and logging out then returning to vendor on log in.

Idk if it still works anymore.

It doesn’t? I feel like it does sometimes, especially with respect to the ilvl of Korthia gear in this patch compared to last patch. I feel like there were more lower keys, more lower raids in 9.0 compared to 9.1. Maybe that was because more people played in 9.0 compared to 9.1, hard to say, but Korthia certainly feels like a factor at this point.