Blizzard Raising Open World Ilvl from 246 to 252 - Casuals Rejoice

This is how I see it.

If Blizzard doesn’t want to put forth the effort in making the content fun, then the least they can do is give us some decent rewards out of it so that our time doesn’t feel wasted.

If the content is fun, people won’t complain, but the content really isn’t fun. World quests are actually quite boring compared to other parts of the game. Most of them are just automated.


That’s what you guys asked for. Blizzard tried to make open-world more complicated and/or challenging and the open-world players revolted.

If you want to fire neurons, there are other forms of content to engage with. The open-world is claimed by the hordes of the undead and that’s likely just the way it has to be.

Agreed. I just see a lot of solo players trying to group themselves with “casuals” to imply casuals are bad players.

Same. Imlike everyone else and I have my good days and bad days. I usually try to respond to people the way they respond to me.

I can understand that. But at the same time there’s only so many hours in the day and let’s be honest, Blizz hasn’t been showing their most creative side yet.

I grew up with my dad watching Star Trek and Star Wars however I am more partial to Star Wars. I was just trying to poke some fun as a way to keep the discussion light hearted.

Stop. You sound pathetic. To these people who spend 24/7 playing wow because they have no life/job/responsibilities, everyone is a casual.

Reason this game is loosing players. If you go and play Elder Scroll Online , game that doesn’t attract players simply because is hack and slash and not tab target online game, gearing system is almost perfect. It’s connected to crafting something it’s extremely fun in Elder Scroll Online, and you can upgrade any gear to max quality.

Difference is let’s say you get more currency if you do hard mode, and certain tier sets drop only from raids aka Trials. I keep playing this game every day as well wow. In Elder Scroll Online daily stuff takes me about 10 min to complete and that is crafting, and some quests if you want them. I usually hop inside dungeons to get certain tier pieces and weekly on Trial. Even repeating some story it’s fun, because it’s not tied to anything. Not like here where you have to complete a story in order to continue or progress to next patch content.

Solo challenging dungeons, group content is fine. Yea not perfect but still

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You’re remembering wrong. You got gear form the dungeon which is equal to current mythic zeros. You also got badges which you bought gear with. However the vendors only gave 2 offset pieces and one main set piece. Don’t believe me then go to northrend dal and look at the vendors.

It was entry level and worse that normal raid.

So go play ESO.

I honestly don’t care.

Maybe the problem wasn’t their complexity or challenge, but the fact that they were just tedious.

If you’re referring to Shadowlands’ initial world quest design, nothing about them were challenging or complicated. They were tedious because, instead of doing something interesting with them, they just made them have more steps to complete, which isn’t what people wanted.

Insults. Good argument <3


Sometimes you have to lower yourself to lvl on certain individuals so they can comprehend what you trying to tell them.

He simply doesn’t want to hear anyones opinion, but its not aware that he is completely wrong. Like not a little bit off , completely


Thanks for the crumbs I guess. Maybe one day we can be invited to the table.

Just imagine if all the “players” on the forum who are trying to convince people to quit were created and operated by a single person who views their actions as supporting the game and helping the devs move it into a glorious future where only the most elite of elites remain.

A very entertaining conspiracy.

Nope. If you want rewarded for partaking in trivial content then go play a game that does it.

Stay mad.

Everyone has an invitation to the table. You just choose to ignore it

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And to not work for it, just the bare minimum work :^)

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That’s what we’ve been doing.

If you want your participation trophy, go log back into ESO.

The kiddie table always has an opening.

Trust me when I tell you can’t get high enough to be on my level.

I hear people’s opinions. I just don’t agree with them.

I’m also not wrong. You’re the one that’s completely off :+1:

Sorry, but spending weeks to get my gear a different way that’s a lower ilevel than yours isn’t a “participation trophy.”

Some people need to grow up in this thread. lol