Blizzard Raising Open World Ilvl from 246 to 252 - Casuals Rejoice

If casuals get 252 for world content then why would harder Torghast levels be around 252? The harder content you do the more you get rewarded. Same with Torghast.

But that is a substantial argument.

You are complaining that the gear rewarded isn’t high enough for “your” opinion.

WoW has ALWAYS had the model of strength of gear being awarded based on difficulty. The hardest content awards the best gear.

You want the devs to cater to a small minority of players that want too rewards for trivial content.

That’s probably never going to happen because that’s not what the game is designed on.

If you want a game that’s designed around that the. You need to

You can keep asking all day long. What you don’t understand is that blizzard isn’t going to change the core design of their game for you.

There’s an extreme vocal minority on the forums. They don’t speak for the entire player base.

If not getting heroic or mythic raid level gear from world quests upsets you, tough.
Deal with it or find another game.

Torghast is a punishment, not a reward, you silly goose.

Snooze fast/horrible execution

Only available every so often (Legion TW), if it was every TW it would be a good possibility

Horrible execution due to Blizzard making it so higher end players felt forced to do it for progression

Not everyone is into such

Due to randomness, this could be done during the rep grinds, and people will often only chase after the ones they want

As pointless as World Content without at least something that can be made by auction able mats that come from the raid or via a currency.

Fair, but for some that just means the old raids, some of which are still messed up due to the squish or other issues (I can solo NH, ToS up to Maiden, as the only one that can get the bombs, yikes and ANT up to Defending the nature titan, just the style of that one makes it hard for a slow tank to do)

Same issue as mount farming.

The better gear they want won’t be obtained as easily as they want it.

The majority of the people wanting better gear want heroic and mythic raidnlevel gear for doing world quests. There is a small minority that want something like torghast to drop gear but that’s a whole different discussion.

Everyone has the same options for gear progression. If you choose to limit yourself that’s on you.

You’re confusing casuals with solo players. Casual players already do the content. They heroic raiders arena and do mythic plus at ALL levels

You could get full sets of gear by running heroics in WotLK.

You know, when the game was at its most popular?

They already cater to a small minority, anyways. What does it matter if they do so for another group?

Doesn’t matter. There were clearly enough for them to backpedal on their previous gear design.

No. No I don’t think I will.


Hot topic we got here.
Every post is an essay or multi-quotes.
Cbf to read the tears like this.

So go play other games if that’s the type of gameplay you want. WoW has never done that. WoW has been designed around the hardest difficulty awarding the highest gear.

Everyone gets gear capped at a certain point. Either you continue playing doing the things you enjoy or you don’t. The difference is if you choose to limit the content you do to solo only that’s 100% on you. You don’t get to complain because you’re not happy because you choose to only do an 1/8th of the designed content.

*also meant you in general not literally you as I know you raid heroic.

Emotions don’t have room in discussions though. Facts don’t change because of person x or person y’s feelings.

I smell a stinky Treky :joy::shushing_face:

Is this true, or is the “majority” just a very loud minority that sounds like the majority? There is also the fact that some may be asking for such from world quests as that is what is available now, some can only see what is currently in game and will ask for things based on that.

No you couldn’t. The badges only gave 2 offset and one main set pieces of gear.

I know. I played back then.

They don’t actually cater to raiders. And no they shouldn’t change their core game design because of the smallest minority in the game.

If I remember correctly you could always upgrade to 252 on ptr.

Then continue crying about something that’s probably not going to change.

It’s an opinion based on what I see on the forums.

Not sure why you’re quoting me in this response. I’m not, nor have I been, attacking casuals. That’s why I specifically put that bit in quotation marks, because I was paraphrasing what the “not casual” crowd has been characterizing us as.

This is objectively false. I don’t really know what else to say to this, but I distinctly remember having a full set of gear on my Draenei shaman that I earned by running Heroics.

It wasn’t the best gear in the game, but it was great gear, nonetheless, and certainly close to the best.

Thanks for your permission. Your validation is all I ever strive for.

Maybe the ones asking for more world/solo content don’t really enjoy what is in game, they just do it because that is all there is for them. Some enjoy being the lone wolf. Sometimes I could care less about the gear over if the content is fun/enjoyable.

Some of the complaints might stop if the content was actually made enjoyable rather then just “toss them gear from x for doing it over y time to shut them up”.

Eh, it was just how one of my teachers/professors explained the 3 different modes of persuasion of : Ethos, Pathos and Logos

Ethos was more Kirk as he was the Capitan and it is more an appeal based on authors credibility or character, maybe experience or position.

Spock was logos or the appeal to logic/based on facts

Pathos was Bones (McCoy) as the ship doctor, he was often the one most likely to appeal to emotions.

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Brewa actually Mythic Raids, so of course he would have AotC Mounts for Heroic and Mythic, and probably rides the entire menagerie just to insult casual Mount Collectors.

There are lots of casuals that legacy raid. Are you saying that their preferred content is irrelevant, you elitist?

2 million gold and counting, but nah Professions so silly and irrelevant, says the players that do silly and irrelevant things.

There’s nothing wrong with legacy raiding. If that’s what you have fun with in the game, that’s great!

I’m sure there are just as many casual and solo players, however, that would much prefer different avenues of gearing rather than being railroaded into one.

More importantly, I think it’s important to look at the broader picture and see what it looks like contextually.

“All the raiders are done with this content, so I guess you can have their scraps while Blizzard continues pumping out new and fresh content for them.”

I never said they were irrelevant. I just said they were a joke. They’re extremely mundane and boring, and don’t provide anything exciting like they used to. Professions are a shell of what they used to be.

Where are these casuals?

I’d consider casuals both Normal & HM raiders.

Then just keep in mind, the forums tend to be a minority of a minority (like if solo players are 1% of the player base, the ones on the forum could be 5% or less of that group) and judging all of a group by such can be very stupid/moronic.

I might not always agree with you, but you do raise a few points at times, at most I just wish you could show a little more tact at times, if for no other reason then to distinguish yourself from a certain alliance Panda.


Sorry if I mistook your wording. I get very defensive about how people fling around the word casual. People should post their time in game playing- if the world casual enters their pea brains. Over time, long time players can no longer play in a style they once could. IMO there is a whole universe WoW tries to put out for everyone to discover. Those that do not take that opportunity have no business smack tarding those of us who now enjoy a less frantic playstyle


It’s cute that you think Brewa riding a mount that he earned and likes is to “insult” anyone.

Do you even hear yourself? LOL

No, we roflstomp old raids. We don’t organize run old raids. Even Mythic Antorus is just a few friends roflstomping it. Sure, it’s something to do and something we like, but trying to equate it to actual progression raiding is just ridiculous.

Yep that’s you alright.