Blizzard Raising Open World Ilvl from 246 to 252 - Casuals Rejoice

Who asked?

You said that anyone who “wants mythic or heroic level gear for world quests is literally living a delusion”. But those people are vanishingly few in number. There are however, a great many solo players who have posted that they want harder solo content and better gear for doing it.

Do you believe in gear progression as a principle, or is it just a perk for you?

Plenty have said this. I have even read that if casuals want any gear upgrades at all they should be doing mythic raiding - an extreme statement, but something that was actually posted and that player repeated on questioning. Are they delusional or not?

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See, this is how I know you don’t have a substantial argument.

“Just go play another game then!!!”

No. I’m going to keep asking for what I want from the game. I pay the same subscription as you, and these forums exist to provide requests, no matter how ridiculous or “delusional” you may think it. If we just went with whatever Blizzard designed, this game would have been buried long ago.

You’re also welcome to your opinions and you’re welcome to disagree with me. I don’t really care about that, but your argument loses any sort of respect that it may have warranted from me the moment you start discrediting my own by saying I should just go play another game. It certainly loses its validity as an argument.

There are clearly enough people who think open world content should reward better gear that Blizzard thought it reasonable to increase its item level, so if you think that this is a small number or “minority” group of people requesting it, you’d be mistaken.

If that upsets you, tough.

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Yet all it takes is one/a small group of dingbat/s to go “whaaaa it is too hard” and such is nerfed, and more is not added for quite some time.

Here’s what all of this comes down to for me: I have a way to work towards a decent ilevel right now. I’ll get a new one next week. I’m cool with that.

Since Blizz added scaling, people have lost the feeling of power progression. Gear progression replaces that, because at least we can get past that ilevel threshold to finally feel more powerful. That’s why gear became important to people. That’s what changed.

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Like needing better gear to do the content that doesn’t exist?

Saying ‘But FF14 does it!’ is not a valid argument either.

And yet you’re still complaining, which means that its still not enough for you to plod around the low-effort open world and collect your freebies.

Hell, some requesting such might not be strictly solo players, but group content players that want to improve when their group is not running anything or to build up alts to better serve the group.

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Weirdly arbitrary.

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I’m always amazed at the sheer amount of condescension over something that doesn’t affect raiders in the slightest.

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They don’t actually believe that.

Actually, it is. Competition breeds competition, and it would do Blizzard some good to look outside their bubble at other games, especially when one is thriving while their game plummets in popularity and subscription numbers.

Having something to compare WoW is 100% a valid argument to make.

Not complaining. Learn what complaining and constructive criticism is.

Stay mad.


In your face bud
this is my casual report
1,017 Days, 24,400 hours and you dare call me a lazy casual
lol you just don’t get it neither do I care if you do*

Slow down with those terrible slogans that make no sense. Blizzard already has things for solo players and low-effort players to chew on, so bringing up other MMO’s is irrelevant.

FF14/Guild Wars/Eso end game is still hot garbage. People play WoW for its superior end game.

No, you are complaining. You always complain. ‘Give me freebies!’ is your war cry.

Such as?


End of the day and for the sake of argument it doesn’t matter. WoW isnt one of those mmos. If that’s the type of gearing Fel wants then he can go play one of those games.

Options aren’t factual by the way.

Because what 3 listed MMOs are that way makes most?

Korthia, Mage Tower, Time Walking, Torghast, Pet Battles, Mount Farming, Professions, Transmogs, and Toys.

Please quote me where he’s done this.

And the hatred for how others play the game continues. lol

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Sounds like nice change that has no impact on M-plusers or Raiders. Win-win


Brewa has a carpton of mounts. So you’re saying he is a solo/low-effort player?

I’ll give you this one.

Temporary events that we can’t consistently engage with. Try again.


Pet battles haven’t been routinely updated in quite some time and lack the engagement that raids and M+ does.

Complementary to the game, not actual content. Toys and mount farming, much like pet battles, lack any meaningful engagement beyond obtaining the mounts and toys. They are not cyclical in nature and certainly lack the draw behind raids and M+.

Anyone who considers transmog runs “content” when it’s nothing more than running older content that’s now irrelevant is reaching to justify their argument.

Professions are a joke and it’s funny you would even consider putting it on your list.

So you got two. That’s worth something, I guess.