Blizzard Raising Open World Ilvl from 246 to 252 - Casuals Rejoice

Hey, I can solo quite a few of them as well, since I am a tank, but it can take me longer which cuts into the time I have for the things I might want to get to more (I.E. raid/M+). Just cause one can solo it does not mean they can do it fast or efficient.

Also, just because you can, and other classes can, does not mean everyone of those classes can. So, one again, thanks for proving yourself to be an elitist prick that judges others based on your own skill/experience.


Old Republic would like to have a word with you on that. So yes, other MMOs do allow this.

Am I asking for it in this one? No. But the point is that he’s not wrong about other MMOs.

It doesn’t matter if it’s fast or efficient. It’s the pure fact that it can be done.

Then it’s a learn to play issue. As a hunter with a tank pet you can literally spam mens pet cobra shot and barbed shot on cd and kill a rare no matter how geared you are.

It’s not being elitist to want trivial content to not award the same ilvl as actually hard group content.

Stop being in your feelings

It’s literally how it is in ESO, in FFXIV, in Guild Wars 2, and probably a couple others that aren’t coming to mind.

These games give you the next to best gear by simply playing them over periods of time. You’re objectively wrong.

You can easily blow through +15’s in M+ at 252 ilvl which will net you max ilvl in the vault. There is plenty of “nothing” to go around if you do the endgame content.

But we aren’t playing old republic. If he wants that type of reward structure he can go play those games?

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So go play those games then. That’s not how it’s EVER worked in WoW.

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And old Republic used to give me max rating gear from non raiding content.

In WotLK and TBC, you could get the next to best gear in the game by grinding out heroics for valor/justice points, and again, there were plenty of BiS slots in the open world to go for.

How does it feel to be wrong?

I don’t want to. I want to play WoW.


Except you specifically quoted and responded to this:

So yes. We were talking about other MMOs. And you were incorrect.

Hunter is the easiest class to play in open world, followed by tanks.

I’m not. You couldn’t get full sets of gear. You generally got a piece or two of offset gear and a Main set piece.

So play the game the way it’s designed or go play games that are designed how you want them to be. Don’t demand the game cater to you.

And for every mmo he listed I could probably name one that doesn’t do that.

Either way if that’s the game design he wants he can go play those games.

Not disputing that. Doesn’t change the fact that things can be soloed

Then stop asking to play FF14, ESO, or Guild Wars?


Then please feel free to name the MMORPGs that don’t. It doesn’t change the fact that there are ones that do this and you were incorrect in saying they don’t.

That was the only point I was making. You dismissed his factual information with false information. I corrected it. Y’all can go back to arguing whatever else you were arguing. It was never part of my interjection, which was simply to correct false information.

This conversation was never going anywhere lol.


Nope! :slightly_smiling_face:

Its what happens when you have low-effort people trying to apply what other MMO’s do to this MMO and expect no pushback.

If you think this, you are the one that is delusional. Other games reward time as well as difficulty, you are focusses on the difficulty.

Is normal gear enough for world content? likely, but once people get that, they run out of things to do unless they join group content or are into things like collecting, rare hunting, etc
 If people feel like they can’t progress, they quite, if they quit, Blizzard loses money on WoW, if they lose too much money on WoW the game dies.

Hell, it would be one thing, if after the initial grind, a special area was unlocked (say for Korthia a vault that held old dungeon/raid bosses leveled to current max) that could be done as a group or solo, doing it solo could award nothing but cosmetics and/or achievements, group would reward gear and/or currency to get better gear.

Whatever you say, Spock

I try to mix logic/facts with emotions (closer to Kirk) because while the logic sounds good, humans, as a race, are not entirely logical or fact based. I never said you were wrong, just pointing out areas where one the focusses on facts based on their own experiences might miss.