Blizzard Raising Open World Ilvl from 246 to 252 - Casuals Rejoice


Are you actually arguing that getting a scoop of ice cream isn’t a treat because at one point the ice cream machine broke and you got three scoops of ice cream for free? Lol.

If you remove that brief chapter of the game’s history from view, it’s pretty rare that raid-quality gear is attainable from open-world content. Usually it resides somewhere below the lowest difficulty setting.

I did not bring up ice cream.
Wow is based on expansions. Content gets added and removed. If they removed something fun we used to have and not like the game anymore that is something to complain about. I am sure if they removed gear all raiding and mythic plus and then timegated rewards to 2-5 months after something is released you might complain about it too.

Good lord, what is this thread?!

Yall don’t know what casual is. I haven’t logged into the game in nearly a year. THAT’S casual.

Actually, it was pretty commonplace to have a few BiS items available outside of raids. Fire mages, for example, have a couple pieces of gear in TBC that are attained via crafting. Some people have BiS from the Darkmoon Faire.

Smeagol, you must abandon your longing of the ring. It has been cast into the fires of Mordor, its dark and treacherous evil purged from the land. No good can come from wishing for its vile taint to return to this world.

To be honest, I don’t really consider it valid to want Titanforging back. As far as I’m concerned, such an opinion goes straight into the garbage bin.

It had a toxic influence on the game and just about anyone who could look at the game objectively - and not through the lenses of their own possessive, Gollum-like longing - can see it had to be removed.

If you want to proceed with the discussion of what is or isn’t qualifying as sufficient for open-world players, one must do so without referencing titanforging.

Fair enough. And we do have some crafted items in the game, notably Legendary items, that can be attained through casual gameplay that surpass even the most powerful raid loot.

They could bring it back and have it cap to a certain ilvl like valor cap. Like I can complain how they added valor back and only made it useful for players that did mythic plus, instead of modernizing it to incorporate all players. They just brought it back for a timed dungeon mode. It feels useless as a currency if you aren’t doing mythic plus, and it is rewarded if you do world quests. That valor system could have easily been used to upgrade items in world content. Instead they locked it behind rating and dungeons.

They could have used it to upgrade world gear, pve item lvl of pvp gear such as honor gear, or even normal/heroic raid gear to the same valor cap as mythic plus.

I mean it is pandering to solo players not casuals.

I wouldn’t call that crying. To state something obvious as being obvious isn’t “crying” and “brains melting”

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Dark moon faire hasn’t been super relevant in a long time.

Mythic plus and pvp still hold some bis for different classes.

I agree ,he brought this agreement from another thread and is here we are an repeat.

Yup. They know they need to accommodate for other play-styles in what seems to be waning perceptions of this expansion. I’m a plebs and not a try hard but I’ve lost most interest in SL sadly but this should help some of us casuals have a little outdoor progression which isn’t bad.

I think the current gearing system is equally toxic, as is indicated by the incessant number of people vehemently opposing any reasonable amount of gearing for casual/solo players. Everyone wants their egos inflated instead of making the game better for everyone. How is that not toxic?

Maybe titanforging isn’t the answer, but I certainly don’t think this is the answer, either.

I think anyone who uses the term pandering is whining.

Where did I say Darkmoon Faire should be relevant? I’m just making a statement that open world content did, at some point, serve a purpose in getting BiS gear.

Titanforging isn’t the answer for certain.

As far as whether this is the answer, it could be. This seems like the best compromise of any system I’ve seen so far - a long tail grind for open-world players to eventually earn powerful rewards. That’s what open-world players want - a reason to log onto the game and feel like they’re progressing towards something.

Okay bub.

And I think anyone complaining about gear grinds are also whining. Just have to agree to disagree respectfully here I think.

Then I misunderstood and apologize. However mythic plus and world quests do still have some bis pieces.

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I think a reasonable gearing path is this:

Lock open world content to heroic raid-level gear and keep mythic in mythic raids, but make the gearing path for open world content take longer, and increase the drop rates in heroic raids. That way, people who clear heroic raids are still getting some form of satisfaction by getting the gear faster, and casual/solo players can still work towards something.

By the end, both playerbases are putting in an equal amount of effort; one with more time spent in the game, the other with more skill put in. To me, this is reasonable.

I’m sorry if that’s not the case; however, pandering is a term that is often used as a negative connotation.

If that is not what you meant, then perhaps you should have used something else.

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The thing is that I never denied this. I’m just pointing out that OP himself was complaining before anyone even had a chance to say something.

I’m sure, given time, elitists will complain about something. It’s pretty rare that they don’t.


that’s why i have this despicable excuse of a human being blocked here and on discord :slight_smile:


I disagree with this. World content is extremely trivial especially compared to heroic raiding. The effort people have to put into world content compared to heroic raiding isn’t even comparable.

And as we have seen multiple times in this forum people will complain with how long that said grind will be.

People are complaining about the Korthia and ZM grinds.


I wouldn’t say complaining. More like stating an observation.

You complain, we complain , complaints for everyone! /insert meme.

Except they are going to adjust the health and damage of enemies in new zones like they always do, so it won’t feel different at all for anyone.

That’s always happens ,so the rares would be around 2M health since Korthia it is 1.6.(even though ptr they are 678k,getting that from one video that wasn’t edited) Mobs I’ll have to look that up.