Blizzard Raising Open World Ilvl from 246 to 252 - Casuals Rejoice

No, at worst casuals were demanding a path to better gear or things to do when the ones they do raids/M+/PvP with were not on.

It is just some elitists complained and the systems (chores) we got were the compromise which pleases almost no one

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I’m not complaining about anyone, I’m pointing out what they say and do. An observation isn’t inherently a complaint. Yes, “here is your mythic raid gear in the mail” this is one group, they also like to complain that they have nothing to do, which is also a bad argument. A lot of people seem to think that the game is built around “the 1%” of players, and that’s also pretty absurd, when just about everything in game is in place for them so that they stay subbed for longer periods of time.

No, it really isn’t, and we only need to look at statistics to prove that it isn’t. The average player will only ever do normal raids(on average), which is probably why they are called normal raids instead of mythic. If you’re doing mythic raids then you’re something like 1 out of 20 players (or greater), meaning that you aren’t even close to the average player, you’re well above and beyond.

I’ve been specifically talking about the people that make unreasonable complaints. If that doesn’t apply to you, then why are you making this about yourself?

I guess one way of looking at it is if average would be a C, yeah, you are right. I don’t do much, if any, mythic as I tend to cap out at AotC. This might make me a B to a low A.

Another way of looking at is is the simple average=/=casual. Casual can refer to both the time one puts in (I.E. even if I did mythic raiding I could still count as casual since I only raid 2-3 nights a week) or by the content they do (like I said, I cap at heroic, and most seem to think anything under mythic is for casuals).

Your wrong again as usual, learn to be correct when you attempt to to actually say something

That recommendation is total BS. Hell I have the achievement for completing all the “12s” and I am at like 240.

Please show me where I lied. Don’t worry I’ll wait.

I strongly disagree with you and haven’t mentioned your mental status at all.

The irony of you being a hypocrite is very comical.

They actually aren’t wrong. If you look at any “hidden” profile on the forums just copy and paste the name on the WoW website and it takes you to their character.


Laughing at all the people who said Blizzard wasn’t going to give in and give solo players better gear.

Here’s hoping we can get Mythic gear in the open world just to watch the brains of the elitists melt.

This is the same system as The Archivists’ Codex rep rank 6 that allows up to ilvl 233.
It will take a long time for a casual to achieve.
I only did this grind on one toon and looks like this will be the same. If it is like most content in Shadowlands, It will be a lot of effort for small reward. Gear just doesn’t matter that much in the long run.

So I guess Blizzard should gut ZM gear to below LFR or heroic dungeon gear to make those be upgrade paths for people?

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Call it whatever you like, Sentenza. It’s a good thing. They should do stuff like this to appease the majority of the player base more often. I planned on raiding for the transmog, this will make my endeavors that much easier. Woop woop.


It’s the same system that was in Korthia. Solos will complain about the grind way before elitists cry.

The “:poop: :bird:” paradox - if you don’t know how to actually have fun in the game and you only play to compulsively raise your ilvl in solo content, and two pieces of content exist, and they don’t reward exactly the same ilvl at the exact same rate, one of them will be “better” than the other and you will run to the forum and cry about it.

It’s like, bro, play the game. Just play the game dude. People like the dude you quoted need to just give up posting on the forum and learn how to actually properly have fun playing the game.

It’s insane. There are things that are worth whining about, but whining that systems that are designed as tourism acting as tourism is not a problem with the game, its a problem with you if you expect those to be something you grind out for loot while also expecting open-world to simultaneously be something you grind out for loot.

Time-gating, REEE.

How many videos are we betting Bellular makes trying to cash in on complaints about “time-gating”?

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Oh good god, just stop on that. Did you see what it takes to get that robot buddy? It’s just normal gaming and normal grind - no easy peasy…And I imagine Mythic gear will jump too.

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Well to put it in perspective, 252 ilvl the same as the end of instance reward for mythic+ 9 and all but the last two bosses in the Normal raid (not sure about PvP but that has a lower ilvl in PvE anyways). So it is a pretty good deal for people who just want to do casual content.


One of the very first things said in this thread was an accusation that Blizzard was pandering to casuals, but sure.

You can be a casual and still want to normal raid.
In fact I would argue that normal raids are for casuals.

The issue is by the time world gear offers good gear, it still wont be good enough gear for a casual to get into casual content. Unless you’re like a healer or OP class and get lucky.
Peak time today, try and get into a normal run with no EXP and being 226 item level.
You’ll have a miserable time.

But my POV wasn’t so much about “this needs to go further”, I was just wanting to clarify before serious players think of it is free handouts.

In fact I’d say this is an alt catch-up feature for serious players, more than a casual friendly system.

Isn’t this standard procedure as the expansion and raid levels progress?

Newer raids have higher level gear and the bump the levels of gear found everywhere else?

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I remember threads of welfare gear and remove titan forging a while back. Casuals weren’t complaining about it until they listened to folks and removed many more casual friendly gearing paths.