Blizzard Raising Open World Ilvl from 246 to 252 - Casuals Rejoice

You serious? Welp patch sucks probably going to just quit and play Destiny 2 which actually lets everyone get Powerful gear with extra drops each week for those who do harder content and has a huge new dlc dropping same day as this awful patch I’ll just wait for 10.0 which hopefully won’t spit in the face of the majority of the playerbase for a small amount of entitled cry baby elitists


The base point is that world content is soo easy it should not give gear equal to normal raiding, or m+8/9s.

Meanwhile floor 16 Torghast is 280+ so count me out like there’s a lot more then the open world that casuals do


“Pandering” to the majority is a good move. :+1:


Those recommendations have always been way over what they should be.

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Before the box of many things. People can do layer 12 well below the recommended 252 with some points in the box.

Why would anyone to do Torghast now? Isn’t it better to do this in 2-3 expansions so you can breeze through and have fun?

A lot of players don’t care whether it is too easy for the elite players or not, they just want to gear up and smash through it faster, or use the gear for other content like Torghast or lower level M+ keys.

If WoW insists that people need to wipe for hours on end for even the chance of an upgrade, then it is going to keep bleeding subs.

To think, Shadowlands has driven WoW to the point where Blizzard needs to merge Alliance and Horde to even have a substantive competitive playerbase, and elitists are still saying that casual and solo players need to work harder just for last season’s higher item levels.


Oh, somebody taught you how to copy and paste, and that makes your lies into truth? Lol. copy again. Whine that when you call people who disagree with you mentally ill, you aren’t actually calling them mentally ill. Just copy and paste your lies. Keep on copying. Being able to copy and paste must be a high level skill for people like you.

9.2 casual content is pure crap

a mega rep grind if you want any real gear, basically dailies for a burnout amount of time

LFR is worse than quest/daily gear

matchmade dungeons are worse than quest/daily gear

there is no endgame of any kind for a casual player, just a mega boring single zone super repetitive grind that leads to absolutely nothing. You do LFR a couple times and realize the rewards suck. The vault has nothing every single week. You quickly realize within 2-4 weeks that you’re not having fun because you hit your gear wall hella fast and there is no other route than the korthia style boring grind in the new zone.

most players don’t do manual grouping because it wastes too much of their time and has too many friction points but bliz has intentionally made anything with matchmaking a complete waste of time

bliz doesn’t care about casual players unless they spend a ton of /timeplayed or move to manual grouping, which are both where the cash shop metrics lie

I literally can’t wait for microsoft to change up the leadership and design goals


Even if they do.

Eh, it is likely the minimum they feel all classes with players of all reasonable skill can do.

This old argument, yes SOME can, but some still have a harder time then others, more so if they messed up their points in that

My only hope for the content is it is interesting/engaging/etc. Sometimes I wonder if some of the complaints are because the gear does not feel good for the tedium people endure to get it.

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Probably one of the bigger issues in this game to be realistic. When people complain about “systems”… well, they’re in place so that casual players have something to do because they won’t raid or do M+ (supposedly)… So, everyone that has issues with those systems, that are being forced to slow down their progression and play a bumper bowling version of WoW, you can thank the vocal casuals that won’t stop complaining about how little they have to do… even though 99% of this game is dedicated to them.

Don’t conflate casuals with bads that want everything handed to them. The true casuals likely raid up to a few mythic bosses, do M+ at least to 15 if not slightly higher and/or do PvP to moderate rating.

I am more casual, content wise, the only issue I run up against is not that there is not anything to do, but there is nothing I want to do. Hell, I’d love it if we had another AQ war effort deal or a zone where we had to progress as a server (IoT).

This isn’t casual, and the things they demand would be given to them within these outlets if they actually did them. If you’re doing mythic raiding you aren’t even remotely casual.

Again, the average player, the casual player, is having a game built for them and they don’t see it and don’t appreciate it. Their demands shape the game and many, many people hate that direction.

Except we had plenty to do prior to systems. Don’t blame this on us.


Actually, it is. The ones that say it is not, on the “casual” side are more likely to be loudmouth bads who think they speak for all casuals.

I am not talking about far into mythic here, or hitting mythic when it first comes out, I am talking about those thsat get AotC a few weeks/moths in and, if they get the people, try for the early mythic bosses (terra, eye, possibly the nine).

KSM can be gotten at the rate of 1 15 a week, even for those that build up first, as long as they don’t hit a lot of snags and can time them.

No, the ones you are complaining about are likely the ones that would not be happy unless Blizzard was like “here is your mythic raid gear in the mail”.

Also false. Look at my profile.

Guess what? I’ve never complained about my solo gearing path. Absolutely loved the 9.0 world set bonus, too. And that was even lower ilevel.

Y’all have a very twisted view of the normal casuals who aren’t the angry vocal minority.


If he is complaining about you, he is lumping you in with the angry vocal minority, which is also the group( Angry vocal minority) that I was referring to.

Just as a note, my definition of casual is:
Does content they enjoy
might want harder content or a path to better gear
enjoys what they get if it is done well to them
is likely part of the 75%+ of those that do various content

The “casuals” that ones like Kittridge complain about:
Hard solo content is added=“whaaaa it is too hard, nerf it”
complains about anything that is not to their specifications
hates whatever is added unless it is the exact way they want it
is likely really a low % of the playerbase (same as CE raiders) but think they speak for all casuals

Wait, casuals were demanding meaningless chores? I missed that.