Blizzard Raising Open World Ilvl from 246 to 252 - Casuals Rejoice

Sorry if this is a silly question, but do we know if this 252 gear covers weapons? If not, anyone know how solo players can upgrade their weapons? Rare drops? Sandworm relics to purchase gear from Rafiq?

I feel dumb asking this, but reading about some of these new systems turns my brain to mush.

That’s TBD as far as I know.

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8.3 Corruption was a replacement for Titanforging. It was an issue to be sure, but a separate issue from the raiders’ complaints in 8.2 that they had to do huge amounts of world content to stay optimal (as the bonuses from maxed 425 Benthic gear were more powerful than the 5 iLvl difference from 430 Heroic raiding gear.)

The Blizzard post explicitly states that weapons are not included in the 252 cypher upgrade. So either cypher weapons don’t drop in Zereth Mortis, or they aren’t affected by the cypher upgrade.

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You’re underselling it. the 425 benthic gear with socket was better than 455 titanforge cap with socket in some spots (+3% crit dam on boots)

Hopefully it does or there’s some other way to upgrade weapons for us solo folks. I just checked and it doesn’t seem like gear purchasable from Rafiq includes weapons, and if the rare drops also don’t include weapon upgrades, then I’m looking at farming Korthia after it becomes a dead zone to get my weapon to 233 or seeing what ilvl PvP weapons will be in season 3.


I’m happy to see the item level for casuals boosted, but kinda bummed that it still feels like the only avenue aside from raiding and dungeons. Bring crafting and casual PvP back! :heart:


Just found the quote - thank you! Not sure how I missed that the first time :confused:.

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I just checked the Sandworm relics vendor on PTR, and there are no weapon or trinket options.

Technically not solo content, but 9.2 LFR weapons are expected to be 239+. Honor weapons will be upgradeable to 242.

If rares and treasures in Zereth Mortis do award weapons, they will probably drop at 236 or 246, although I can only remember armors dropping and not weapons.


Ok that’s cool. I’m pretty casual and don’t really raid or M+ so if 252 is the max for casuals that don’t that content then fine. I see no reason why players who don’t raid or M+ need gear for solo content. 252 will be more than enough.

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This is all trash. I’ve been playing this game a long time and I can tell you the casual rejoice is not as great as it seems. 252 don’t mean crap. They’ll put such a long grind and in front of something like 252 that means very little in 9.2 it’s ridiculous.

For some reason the “hardcore” will complain you can get 252 3 months into the patch when 282 will be the norm by then, so Blizz makes the grind insane so it doesn’t seem like they’re handing anything out based on cries of “hardcore”.

Truth is though, the real hardcore (method - liquid- whatever) don’t give 2 craps people have 252 week 1 of patch release cause they’ll be so far ahead of that in short order based on skill of clearing 15s and top end raid.

People complaining are just not good enough to stay ahead


 wonder how I’ll get weapons, then. :thinking:

I guess we shall see!


Thanks for that info! I have to assume that Blizzard will have some way for solo players to upgrade weapons beyond 233 in this patch that doesn’t require LFR or PvPing, although I bet I’ll end up doing a bunch of PvP anyway to upgrade one of my trinkets and maybe my weapon, depending on what ilvl unrated Conquest gear is in Season 3.

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No problem! I wish we knew for sure what kind of weapon options are available in Zereth Mortis, even without the cypher upgrade system. Perhaps Blizzard is intentionally leaving out weapons to encourage players to do more than just world content. Or perhaps we can keep our fingers crossed that something will be added in patch 9.2.5!

By the way, unrated Conquest gear will probably be 249 in PvE and 262 in PvP, according to Icy Veins. This would be better than LFR, and you wouldn’t have to rely on RNG as much. And you are right, the PvP trinkets might be worth grinding for even for PvE usage, depending on your spec.

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Yeah, I’m hoping that some weapon rewards will be implemented. We had crafted BoE weapons in BfA, so I wish they would just add crafting recipes in 9.2 for weapons, even if just at LFR iLvls (239/246).


LOL, this one going to be timegated behind a system again so that by the time you do actually see those levels, you have already gotten better from a crappy weekly quest?


Everyone, relax.
The casual filth gets to spend months grinding yet another boring currency to eventually get gear at the same item level as normal raids. Then we can use that gear to keep doing that same content for another 6-8 more months(or longer) until they sell us the next box.

*edit - if you behave, maybe the raiders will sell you carries so you can get enough gear to clear Torghast and kill elites solo when everyone else stops playing


If you play group content, this system isn’t meant for you, outside of BLP.


This is nice, I suppose, for those casual players for whom the ilevel of their gear has some meaning. For me, personally, all I care about anymore in an MMO when it comes to gear is that it’s good enough for me to feel powerful against world content. Don’t care about it’s level or color, just whether I can get better at smashing stupid world mobs.

What matters to me, after having taking a long break from WoW, is whether the activities that I do are actually fun, or not. Having the best gear in the game is meaningless if all there is to do with it are things that are boring and unfun. I’ve got until the 28th to see if 9.2 provides the fun that WoW has lacked the last few years.

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Same, but then I want to improve the purple ilevel while smashing the world content; yes it is already good enough, but I like to get as high as possible before the expansion ends.


Do you even know what “pander” means?
“to do or provide what someone wants or demands even though it is not proper, good, or reasonable”
Like how is casual players getting decent gear not good or reasonable? Like pull your head out of your *** and grow up