Blizzard Raising Open World Ilvl from 246 to 252 - Casuals Rejoice

:ok_hand: I quit in Legion, I’m not about to do M+ and AP farm but I realize M+ and AP farm are beneficial to speedy progression in Mythic and I’m not going to sit in a guild and be “that guy” who isn’t putting forth maximum effort so I quit :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I don’t want to argue about Sylvanas in a completely different thread, lol.

Maybe for your guild, but not for those that I know.

I never said it did.

No it didn’t. I used to see tons of Normal runs. Literally no one had Normal ilevel from Korthia for weeks.

Sounds like anecdotal evidence to create a problem where there was none.


No, not until you’re in a group :slight_smile:

Pretending that you weren’t doing exactly what you did. Saying that someone has a personality disorder because you disagree with them is literally saying someone is mentally ill. But that’s your schtick, and you know you can get away with making psychiatric diagnoses and declaring other people mentally ill.

You que for it solo. You didn’t have to apply to it therefore it’s not group content.

Because I didn’t.

Reading is hard for you.

Gentleorcs, can’t we just all agree the dungeon system sucks and move on. Who cares what the exact definition of “group content” is? This forum gets so locked down on arguing definitions sometimes. I don’t understand it.

Used to? Like, the first few months of the 8 month long raid tier? It basically deleted it after a period of time when that wasn’t the case in the past. When ilvl was below normal and not above it, normal PUGs existed the entirety of the tier.

Saying used to kind of feels like it proves my point.

That’s an interesting definition, I’ll add that to my Brain Housing Group for when I have this same discussion with someone else later :slight_smile:

In order to have a proper discussion we need to understand what everyone means when they use words. If I say I hate casuals what type of player am I saying that I hate? You don’t know, because “casual” has no agreed upon meaning within this community and going off the dictionary definition doesn’t cover what players within this community mean.

If someone says “solo player” or “group content” I’m going to think specific things, if those things are wrong then I need to know. Snozh has given me a definition for how he interprets group content that I quoted above. Now I know what he means, I don’t agree but at least now whenever he says “group content” I know exactly what he means.

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Yes. As usual. After that, they were usually just transmog runs. As usual. Welcome to how it’s been since like Legion with pug raids. LOL

None of that has anything to do with Korthia. Sorry.

It does though.

M+ ilvl requirements have also been inflated this patch.

No. It doesn’t. At all. Because no one had Normal ilevel gear from Korthia when Normal was still being run to gear up.

It’s also irrelevant to guild runs and this game doesn’t revolve around pugs for raids.

I was about to complain about the change, but that’s actually a good reason.

“When normal was still being run”
 why is normal not still being run?

No it didn’t. Maybe for you it did but I knew of quite a few reasons that “fun nights” were still in normal mode.

The reason is simple: chase items.

Sanctum of Domination had special gear that was powerful at any iLVL, even normal
 such as:

-Eye trinket
-Hunter Bow
-Hunter back piece
-Rogue dagger
-Domination gear

etc. etc. For those reasons, many guilds were still running normal for fun.


Negative, you stated “Definitely.”

It would appear

Is more fitting to yourself, what a surprise. “I was just undergeared when I did the parses, that’s why I grey parsed!” Another one.

Same reason it was never run after a while: people moved on to higher difficulties, got all their transmog, got bored, etc.

Blames Korthia for the normal cycle of gaming. :rofl:


Sounds like amazing solo fun.

Unlike Argus, you’ll also be able to fly.

That is my “end game”, every expansion. :wink:

I don’t like to have to “woo” a guild and then beg to get in stuff, while being “good” and/or trying to LFR or junk. I just go out and do my own junk and stuff. Plus I work the overnight shift, full time, in real life.

Other players are “dungeon dressing”, I see in passing, and helping to make the Auction House realistic.

An actual diagnosis would be me saying you have xyz issues.

I didn’t

So keep reaching.

I mean that much is actually true though.