Blizzard Raising Open World Ilvl from 246 to 252 - Casuals Rejoice

Me telling you that you’re casual and not just a solo player isn’t some sort of insult.

I’m literally the same definition. I replied to you once to give the definition of “solo” and you flipped for I don’t know what reason, because nothing I said to you was in any way some sort of jab at you.

Oh I know. :slight_smile:

I don’t try to force anyone. They know their limits and I let their professional support ease them into things as is fit for their mental stability.

I locked all my alts at 56 with 5/5 looms and some trash I got in SLs to fill in the gaps.
My hunter can mow down mobs easily at ilvl 125.
I dont personally want high end gear because I like the game to be somewhat challenging. which is one more reason I wish theyd open up chromie time up to max level so I could take my main back in at level in old content without having to cheat it with party sync

It usually is with Worgen around. I mean, have you seen those claws? And their starter zone intro?


Yeah, that’s true, I’m not a doctor. I have been there though. I used to be a total shut-in. Wow Raids, Gyms, Forums, and most public things terrified me. It’s hard to be the guy that pulled myself out of that cave and not just immediately be like “Come on, guys, follow me out!” when I meet someone in a similar situation.

Totally understandable. I’m glad you’re doing better. :slight_smile:

The passive aggressiveness of this thread and the replies is pretty amusing. I appreciate the people that put in some effort to disguise their personal attacks as productive and relevant to the thread. It’s an artform.



Yes, play for fun and all that. People love to throw that out like it negates arguments about the reward structure. It doesn’t. Questionable design is still questionable.

You were doing a psychiatric diagnosis on the forums of someone you disagree with, because you think people you disagree with and who are as argumentative and belligerent as you are mentally ill.

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Except there’s nothing wrong with the rewards structure. By the time I got all of my Korthia gear, raiders had cleared everything including Mythic.

I never had Normal raid equivalent until way after y’all had completed it. Neither did anyone I know. That was weeks and weeks of research. (And we were all doing it wrong. LOL)

Jalanili isn’t wrong. You raid and get your gear faster, or you run solo content and get your Normal ilevel roughly six weeks after everyone else that raided got theirs.

Casual players who don’t raid do not affect your raiding gameplay whatsoever, nor your gear ladder.

Alts exist, and most guilds have a “fun night”. AOTC/Heroic guild fun night is typically a normal mode raid. Korthia deleted fun night for heroic guilds. Korthia also contributed to AOTC guilds gearing faster than typical.

The entire world doesn’t revolve around Mythic guilds. Mythic players may not care about Korthia gear but plenty of people are impacted.

Like, tell me how many Normal mode PUGs you see in in 9.1… basically zero. Korthia deleted normal raid PUGs.

But you aren’t.

Talking and difficulty aren’t prerequisites for something to be “group” content.

Yes, I know, that is why I used the word “feels” and not the words “literally is.”

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Ok, so then you agree that it’s group content.

Yes, I never disagreed. I can just understand why someone who might claim to be “solo” would feel comfortable in a queue.

Very well, this

lead me to think otherwise.

They gave up normal raiding because grinding preparatory to now raid is way more time-consuming than normal raiders wanted to do. It destroyed the social nature of normal raiding. And the cost was more than a lot of people wanted to pay.

This is the second time today I’ve seen not understand what an analogy is.

It’s a bit weird. If something was exactly the same as something else… then you wouldn’t need to say anything else. They would be the same and there would be nothing to discuss.

Negative. I was saying that they probably do. That’s not making a diagnosis.

And no it wasn’t because they disagree with me.

It’s because of the multiple lies and flip flopping. I have discussions with people I disagree with all the time.


I know when I think “pander” I think slow, unexciting grinds to marginal ilevels and a limited range of cosmetically inferior transmogs and mounts.

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When you’re by yourself and hit que are you in a group?