Blizzard Raising Open World Ilvl from 246 to 252 - Casuals Rejoice

Wrong again, as usual, “Rules for thee but not for me” Rhielle

" This category includes:

  • Linking to threads from other forums
  • Creating threads with the sole purpose of linking another post"

Funny you went after me for supposedly ‘defending’ someone else for harassing others yet you do the same here without shaming them with direct insults. More evidence, as always~

Further, quoting someone talking to me so I am forced to see their messages when I have them on ignore… Violates the ongoing harassment part

Keep going btw caps continuing to try to engage with someone that notified you they ignored you, and going on alts, and trying to get others to talk to me via quotes violates ongoing harassment rules.

Clicking que to put yourself in a group isn’t actually grouping.

And guess what? Solo players don’t get that stuff.

Casual players, like me, will group for low level content and then go spend a bunch of time soloing.

Solo players do not run group content. That’s not what “solo” means.

This is true, the queue dungeons basically feels like playing with bots. No one even speaks to each other and the content is mind-numbingly easy.


then how does your repeated use of

not fall under the rules linked above?



I think most self described “solo” players probably fall under your definition of casual. When I talk to a solo player, what they usually mean is that they don’t raid because screwing up in public terrifies them.

If you’re a casual then who is looking down on you and your ilvl and why does it matter?

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So now we’re just making stuff up? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Sorry, but I can absolutely reply to someone in a thread. Your feelings on who I reply to are irrelevant, seeing as how you were not the one I was talking to.

No one forced you to read anything, nor was information on what falls under the category of spam harassment.

I’ll take “things that never happened for $500, Alex.”


It’s not made up, this person swapped chars to bypass an ignore and now is engaging with me while on ignore, and getting other people to quote them talking about ME so I have to see their messages. That’s bypassing ignore.

Can’t quote them if they’re talking about me, nope~

It is when you’re talking about me, sorry.

It does, actually.

Just like I had to show you specifically the rule for cross-posting you claimed didn’t exist.

" * Player using friends to bother me after being ignored"
" * Keep getting contacted after /ignoring a harasser"
" * Using multiple characters/accounts to harass me"
All 3

Already linked that thread they did it on, but hey~ added to ticket

The insulting jab seems unnecessary.

Maybe you would enjoy group content more if you didn’t automatically assume people were evil.

I loved group content in legion. Problem players here and there but mostly great.
then BFA dropped and they went insane.
Now I am a SOLO player who runs group content if there is something specific I need that I can only get it in group content.
players, many like in here, made me hate running group content

Well, I have done tons of raiding and mythic+ (I hate mythic+ more than anything else in this game. I like the writing more than mythic+ and that says a lot, but I do what I gotta to get that sweet ilvl) and the people are generally great.

So I don’t know if BFA was particularly bad because I skipped that expansion, but it seems perfectly fine now. Sure you run into a bad person here and there, but that’s life. I just brush myself off and move on. You can’t let it traumatize you.

Then they’re describing themselves incorrectly. lol

Then they’re just casuals. Solo players— which I know many— do not engage in any group content, through queues or otherwise, because they cannot mentally function in such environments.

Then you’re just a casual, like me. Not a solo player.

I’m sorry… “my sort?” What does that even mean? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Then you’re no longer a solo player, you’re just a casual player.

Good lord… the forums are just full of nonsense tonight. I don’t even know what you’re so upset about.

It’s just logic. If you run group content every once in a while, you’re casual. I’m the exact same way.

This is a forum, not in game. There is no forum rule against me quoting people. I don’t know nor care who has who on ignore. I do not have telepathy to know who you despise from one day to the next to have them ignored, nor is it relevant to my conversations.

So you’re linking threads in a thread when you said you’re not allowed to? Makes totals sense. :+1:


As I told Snoz, you can’t win vs this one. They will re-define the reality of the conversation to one where they are right. It’s all very ministry of truth.


I wasn’t really disagreeing with you, I was just adding some thoughts on the matter.

I think they could if they actually exposed themselves to it over time. I think a lot of the anxiety people feel comes from the imagined horrors that just aren’t anywhere near as bad in reality. I get that not everyone wants to take that leap, but I think it would be healthy if they did. It just seems like such a shame to take part in an MMO and ignore the community.

In-game rules also apply for the forum, make a post on the CS forums and ask. IT’s the EULA for a reason.

You do, and I have announced that I have multiple times. They’re also talking about me, and directly to me in derogatory manners.

It is when they’re trying to contact me, and then you make a post about it about me.

Didn’t read the rule did you? Can’t cross-post from different forums. IE, if it was a thread on games and hardware, or say… from the EUROPE forums which are considered different forums. Both posts are from GD. :-1: Guess you got it wrong again!

This thread becoming a bloodbath

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It’s like people make stupid comments about large groups of individual people.


The forums is the biggest PVP zone in the game.