Blizzard Raising Open World Ilvl from 246 to 252 - Casuals Rejoice

no, but they could link a post they make on the EU forums that references this one


Some people’s inability to feel embarassmant is
 Embarasing lol



False, under the ‘spam’ section of forum rules making a thread (or post) with the sole intention of cross-linking to another forum post would fall under spam.

Wasn’t trying to be :cry:

Yeah like grey parsing Rogue+ hunter talking down to people on the forums

Or like Capslock posting on 2 characters at me and claiming 1 char isn’t theirs to bypass an ignore (ongoing harassment)

Which still doesn’t mean those events are the only endgame.

You think that’s actually enforced?

Now why do you have a problem with other people talking down to you whey you don’t have a problem talking down to others?

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Was kind of hoping for full mythic tier sets in the cash shop TBH

I find the edit button works wonders to undo unintentional rudeness :relaxed:

all my alts are locked at level 56 still wearing full 5/5 looms. Ive no intention of working them up
or my druid main. content sucks too hard to bother.


A solo player does not group up.

If you are queuing, you are grouping, therefore you are not completing content as a solo but in a group, therefore you are not a solo player.

I wish people would stop making up definitions for words in order to fit their agenda.


If the maw is going to become irrelevant next patch, can we please get flying so it’s easier to farm rares?


It doesn’t even exist.

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Pause. Stop making this a war about who blizz panders to more. It literally doesn’t matter who they do this for. What matters is they don’t do enough for anyone to begin with. You want to talk about pandering how about not making a token trans character exactly that. At least try to make them unique but nah they couldn’t even do THAT right either.

I think the maw was built the same way argus or quel’thalas is, which means we’re never going to get flying there.

for some things, recipes and such, you HAVE to go into group content to get it.
If you avoid grouping except where required for X, sorry but you ARE a solo player.
REAL group players group cause they enjoy it, not because blizzard coerced them kicking and screaming for mats or a schematic.

I was going to mention Argus and it should get flying too

It’s not. I’ve flown around the Maw. It’s all connected and there’s an actual skybox.

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That you can’t do. Argus is in three completely separate portions not linked together and actually is a lot of painted backdrops and not skyboxes.

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I expect, as the population continues to drop, we will see more solo and cross-faction features since the game will need them to not seem empty and unplayable.

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