Blizzard Raising Open World Ilvl from 246 to 252 - Casuals Rejoice

You called it

They already edited it to remove it.

How is it possible as a druid with 98.5 overall performance :smiley:



incoming excuses due to being NA

2+2=5 my dude, embrace the doublethink.

Sure, not me at all. so keep dogging those logs that arent mine :smiley:

At least I have parses.

Nope, my name is the one on the account.

I am sure they werent using a 239 bow and non max dom shards this late in the tier.

Nope, I am responding just to see you keep raging.

Someones triggered.

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You over here playing 3d chess lol

(X) Doubt.


You can find Cypher gear for all armor slots, but not weapons.


Just quit while you’re behind, jeez, lol.


Welcome! Please read-- - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (

Read it, go for it.

Mind, the major amounts of currency are tied to daily/biweekly quests. But it’s a lot like Korthia where you get small amounts of the currency for killing mobs. So as long as you’re on and playing, you’re receiving currency.

As to whether or not it’s worth your time for the amounts you get, that’s another matter

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(in another thread), they linked what they claimed to be their CE kill. It a: has a different date and b: doesn’t match the guild they claim to be a part of. I’m going with both being false.


Thats actually pretty good news.

I’m not sure that she wants to be throwing the forums rules around, given that non-constructive posts, and excessive use of the same or similar phrases are both explicitly on the not OK list, and it’s a large portion of what they do.

No, it really isn’t. They have an esport in PvP. They don’t just change how arenas work for that PvP event. They change PvP talents, classes, etc. across the board.

They have an esport for M+. They don’t just change how M+ works for that event. They create the dungeons, the trash, the bosses, the way we can get through things with abilities across the board.

See where I’m going with this?

I didn’t say what they would or wouldn’t be doing. But thank you for proving the point that was made a while ago by agreeing: they balance the game with the esports in mind.

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Rip Normal Raiding

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Instead of posting on their main they claimed that snozh was equally an impostor because he didn’t link a video when he’s literally posting on his character he raids with.

Totally outed them. Kind of cringe they haven’t just tucked tail and left and instead tried to double down.


So far I’ve seem them post multiple things about what they claim to be their main, that contradict each other.


EU players cannot ‘post on their main’ cross-region forums

It’s irrelevant. Anyone can find anyone’s profile and information, regardless of hidden or not. Do you not know how to use the Warcraft website? Or rIO? Or WarcraftLogs? :roll_eyes:

The true purpose of hidden profile is to hide the post history here. The character profile is a side effect, because Discourse profiles usually go to forum profiles, which we don’t have, because ours go back to the website.

Learn to use a search feature.

Definitely have some real life issues going on

Hope whatever real life issues they have going on gets resolved.