Blizzard Raising Open World Ilvl from 246 to 252 - Casuals Rejoice

240 is ‘slightly’ undergeared for mythic, and as I said even by ilvl… Grey parses.

You never posted your own, and you’re the one that made all kinds of claims anyways.

Your hunter isn’t undergeared either, and still… grey parses. Even with the bow.

i’ll believe that, when they remove pathfinder. i may be able to fly anywhere (except soon-to-be zerith mortis) but pathfinder is still a pain in the butt. unless 10.0 comes-out, with us being able to buy flight in the new zones with gold once we reach max-level (like MoP), they are’nt pandering to casuals.

…also when they make content you can bang-out in a a day or two. this ‘log in everyday!’ crap ain’t casual-friendly.

You can’t win vs that one. It’s like debating the Party in 1984, they just change the reality to one where they are right.

That’s why you should stop feeding it. Midnight is coming.


Not like that stopped them from giving us corruption the very next patch.

What are you talking about? Flying has nothing to do with casual.

Also, log in every day is the definition of open-world casual.

Never said it wasn’t. I only have gray parses because I was still using a 239 bow and didn’t even have rank 4 dom gems.

Either way post your logs since you think you’re so good :joy:

240 with non maxed dom shards and a 239 bow.

I’m not hiding my characters. You are.

I have zero grey parses with the bow as I haven’t done mythic since I got the bow.

(S)He’ll probably post somebody else’s who actually performs.

Yeah in the end I won. He/she got mad enough to actually creep all my logs :joy:

Ehh I swapped classes three times this tier I don’t really care about this tier that much.

With the way the game is played today the catch up to next tier needs to happen in the later half of the current tier for all forms of content. There should be points for solo/raid/pvp/rated/M+ that should be able to buy the same gear. Easier content should just make it so that you are getting your character there towards the end so you are able to hit the ground with everyone else the following patch.

The current system leaves people behind forever as after the first 2 weeks of a patch the gear requirements for groups are above what you can get to prepare for that content.


I’m sure.

It’s funny because on some threads he/she’s a casual and others he/she is a hardcore raider.

It’s fun feeding them.

casuals don’t have time to log-in everyday, they have jobs/lives. they’d rather play on their day-off, and slam-out whatever content they can. it’s not casual friendly.

also long arbitrary rep-grinds for flight are’nt casual friendly… heck, they are’nt even player friendly.

lol what? If you are behind in gear at this point in the patch it’s a you issue

Yeah, I think she claimed to have wiped on the holiday boss in a thread recently.

They always do and the forums always say they hate casuals and only make the game for the top 1% while ignoring the fact that most things are for casuals and anti the top 1%

It’s because we don’t want world content to be an entry point into m+/raiding, we want it to be an alternative to m+/raiding. Most the people that want a world gearing system are not gonna raid/m+ at all.


Week 2 of 9.1 people were already overwhelmingly requiring 240+ ilvl for keys even below 10s. 233 was the highest obtainable ilvl for someone preparing for the end game content. The grind to hit that was originally 6(?) weeks. You don’t think that discourages people from even trying?


Dom shard levels dont affect ilvl.

Rofl not mad at all because thats def not you.

My hunter wasnt 249 at the times of those kills.

Sure thing.

And none were done with the bow. Reading sure is hard.

Nah it was me being curious to see how long it took you to find someone with high performing logs.

You clearly are.

Never said it wasnt, also not asking for better gear handouts.

Stay mad

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#1 feral druid in the world trolls with a level 50 worgen mage on GD. Seems legit.