Blizzard Raising Open World Ilvl from 246 to 252 - Casuals Rejoice

It’s just easier to placate people with ilvls when they don’t understand where the power from the gear really comes from.

So if gear doesn’t matter, then we should have templates for all?

That’s not a statistic at all. It’s your opinion unless you have data that supports that a high percentage of the playerbase actually has been pugging 3/10. I’m going to guess that no, they haven’t, and no, you don’t have data.

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Thanks for sharing the news, but this is no cause for rejoicing. What has been announced is the bare minimum to keep 9.2 alive for casuals and soloists until the next patch.

This is still a downgrade compared to Korthia. In 9.1, we could get 233 (high Normal) for every single slot (including World Boss trinket) and 252 conduits (max level for that patch).

Simply put: Zereth Mortis gear should be upgradeable to 259 and include weapons, and conduits should be upgradeable to 278, or else 9.1 Korthia is going to go down as actually being a better patch than the finale of the expansion.

You should be able to get a decent parse while focusing on mechanics… Especially as a Hunter.

Yes. Most times the first kill doesn’t have great parses.

I’m not debating my rogues parses are bad. My rogues gear is pretty mediocre.

We were talking about my rogue. Try to keep up.

Haven’t read most of what you’ve typed out as it’s drivel. Saw something pretty stupid by forum standards and decided to comment on it.

Even with mediocre gear, “focusing on mechanics” is a poor excuse for a grey parse :stuck_out_tongue:

Excluding weapons is not fine.

Then the gear should scale to 259, which is still below Heroic. And this gear will be quite the grind, no handout.

They won’t. Devs would be crucified by raiders for creating another Benthic situation.

But I would suggest that any zone, gear, or bodyguard perks be extended to all outdoor content in the Shadowlands, as well as Torghast, to make up for the punishingly low item levels.

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6 eye kills, median parse is ‘2’. Grey, really low. Median for Remnant, 2 kills. 5. Pain, 2 kills, 7. Guardian, 2, 22. 26 kills total in mythic, overall median. 13.2

Sorry mr “I’m not debating my rogues parses are bad” Despite even by ilvl standards they’re really bad.

Stick to BM I guess, not quite as much dead weight… Despite rogues (All 3 specs) Being the BEST dps for M SoD.

“Muuuuhhhh! I hate it when video game companies give me different ways to earn the rewards that I want in ways that I enjoy instead of forcing me into just one kind of content! Muuuuuuuuhhhhhhh!

So true. There’s always a catch

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Sure thing. Someone who doesn’t raid mythic commenting on mythic bosses is pretty stupid too.

Focusing on mechanics for mythic fatescribe while being undergeared is a fair statement considering you have to stop dps to do the ring mechanics

That’s not how parses work.

Because you actually want to be in a Normal raid. Wild, right? People being in a raid because they like raiding, instead of being there and resenting it or being punished for doing the content that they actually enjoy.

I mean, if you hate raiding, feel free to go the six-week grind route instead. Don’t feel obligated to be there.

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Referring to them being less dead weight on their hunter compared to their rogue despite rogue being the best DPS currently.

As Snoz puts it.

EVERYONE has to do the mechanics, Snoz. Lol. Hunter is one of the easier ones to keep up with while doing mechanics, and still multiple grey parses.

Since I have NO idea what the hell that is, I guess I won’t be coming back until the next expansion.

Or maybe they took another look at those spreadsheets and were like maybe this will stop the bleeding :rofl:

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While also being undergeared.

Pretty comical you’re talking trash when you won’t even post your own logs :joy:

Yes because being undergeared doesn’t mean anything.

Someone sure was mad to snoop this hard

Everyone gets rune at least once but there’s only 6 slots so if you’re going for parse you can just… not do it. Get assigned to the bottom of the list on the add-on and you just won’t be assigned to it. These types of players are other players you still have to compete with for parse.

Also, if you don’t do burn strat and do P3 runes that can also hurt your parse too.

That said, grey parse is not great obviously.