Blizzard Raising Open World Ilvl from 246 to 252 - Casuals Rejoice

When is the race to world first start?

Blizzard doesn’t endorse World First. It doesn’t advertise the Arena Tournaments. All Blizzard invests time into is M+.

Shocker I know. Maybe if you put some of that energy into actually researching topics, you wouldn’t be so confused in more ways than one.

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Mythic release day. :3

They kinda do, even if they’re not the one doing a big payout. They endorse, and communicate with such guilds, and congrats them on first kill and all. If you want to go with “Well ackthually only events Blizzard pays out counts” then you’re gonna have to specify “Only Blizzard paid e-sports.”

They do, especially on YT and they even stream it.

Maybe if you did, or even raiding, or gearing… In fact you seem to be spending more time on the forums than doing any of those things! Shocker, I know. :3


Oh good at least they would be bothering the wq gear they’ll just jump into mythic +dungeons, :grin:

Nah-- It’s not good enough until they remove ilvl scaling.

So you get to make up participation statistics based solely on wishful thinking? Gee, then everybody can do that too.

3 specific events is not the whole endgame. There’s 1 event per endgame pillar. Most of raiding, m+, and PvP is not those 3 events.

This is false.

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It sure is when the game is designed around those e-sports. They don’t “specifically” change how classes, instances, bosses, abilities and stats work only for these events.

This is your definition of pandering?

I would look at it another way…maybe this is an indication that we have too many raid difficulties as is.

Irrelevant to the fact that most of the endgame is not those things. People would still be doing all the various levels raid, PvP, and m+ if they balanced around open world content.

I still think world content directly competing with Normal Raid is one of the stupidest god damned things, tbh.

Why do Heroic Dungeons exist? Crafted gear is better and cheap and World Content is better than both long-term.

Same for Mythic 0 dungeons but without the crafted option.

And if Normal Raid is equal to World Content… why bother? Why bother working with 9-29 other people in a raid environment where mechanics and performance matter (at least compared to World Content) if rolling your face on the keyboard for 27 minutes once daily gets the same rewards at the end of the day?

For me, both “fun” and “rewarding” are prerequisites for me wanting to spend time with something. Effort vs Reward is part of that. It’s why I struggle to care about getting better gear in FFXIV, where crafted gear is more or less 2nd BiS at all times and easily affordable on the Market Board.

Anyway, that’s my take on things. I understand the desire for a casual/solo means of gear progression, but I’ll never understand why people think it should have the same endpoint as content that requires much more of its participants.

FWIW I’m not even opposed to potentially nixing Normal Raid. I think it’s kind of superfluous and tends to act as a non-progression difficulty, which we already have in LFR, but that doesn’t sort out the early gearing scheme. That leaves questions on where to put LFR, and still has the Heroic / Mythic Dungeon vs World Content issue.

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Because raiding is faster? You don’t have to wait many weeks to upgrade some rep in order to buy or wait for drops and upgrade your gear?


“faster” seems a bit irrelevant to me in a world of 8 month patches and the opposite end of the spectrum where everyone sits around waiting for potential upgrades from the Mythic+ Vault row exists.

Most people grey parse on their first kill. I was focused on mechanics

I’m not angry or bitter at all.



You mad

Not really. Not making separate names for each of my characters doesn’t have anything to do with my intelligence.

Yet I’m smarter than you. I atleast know what I am.

3/10 mythic is easily pugged. That’s not a made up statistic.

:popcorn: :popcorn:

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Through multiple kills, woops.

Clearly are.

Not really



It does. :3

Nope, can’t even figure out mythic raid bosses in a video game let alone names. Let alone rogue rotation.

Nice spam

25% of people who kill a boss grey parse.