@Blizzard Pls delete this thread

Hello all, we are Immersive of Sargeras and we are 8/8H EP looking for more great raiders to push into Mythic EP with.

Our raid times are Fri/Sat 7-10 Server (central)

Right now we have a solid core and we are looking to build off of that to move into Mythic EP. Are YOU the right candidate for a guild that not only gets the job done but gets it done without the toxicity and stress associated with a Cutting Edge guild?

You can contact me directly in the game on
Lucean or my Btag is TLC808#1583

Or you can send a tell to any of the members of Immersive and they will put you in contact with me or the Raid Leader/other Officers in the guild.

Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you soon.

Still looking, great guild, strong leadership! =D

2/8M in our first week in! Great work team! This week we were able to re kill the first 2 within the first night and that’s some great progress… then sadly we lost the battle to the roster boss last night.

If you are looking for a solid team that takes things seriously without the toxicity that normally comes with Mythic Raiding we are the team for you.

In need of:
Healers: HPally / MW Monk
RDPS: Warlock/Spriest/Mage
MDPS: DH / WW Monk / Rogue

That’s what we are specifically looking for but all capable raiders will be considered.

Raid times are 7-10 Central Standard Time

Look forward to hearing from you.

We raid tonight! 7-10 CST.
We’re looking for some solid RDPS (non hunter)
Maybe a heal or two (non Druid)

We look forward to hearing from you.

3/8 Bois!!! Great job!