Blizzard, please verify the drop rate for Deathcharger's Reins and other mounts

I edited my OP to say “nerfed/buffed/made higher” for my incorrect language before.

The goal of my post is that I want DCR to be at its original drop rate, which was extremely low.

I was super interested in the mount around late Vanilla and early TBC, I finally got it in after the buff in wrath, but from the research I originally done, again the drop rate was around 0.10% in vanilla.

0.07% for the deathchargers reins.
0.10% for the raptor and tiger.

Those numbers were from thottbot and what started me on the path of many mounts.

Oh that tiger. I’m hoping to get it.

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I neither assumed or alluded to the fact of which you want or dont want that.

And “client” is the patch. its the 1.13.1 version of the client.

Thank you, have a good day.

I wished you luck is all :joy:

If it really is 0.1% drop rate, that’s 1 in 1000. ZG is a bi-weekly reset, so if you run ZG as often as possible, it will take on average 500 weeks to see it (or almost 10 years).

And then when it drops, you have to roll against 19 other people for it.

it was extremely rare, even more so than the epic two-handed sword [Runeblade of Baron Rivendare].

  • Cataclysm-Logo-Small Patch 4.1.0 (26-Apr-2011): Potentially contained in [Satchel of Exotic Mysteries]ω ϖ , but rarer chance at around 0.1%.

  • Bc icon/Wrath-Logo-Small Patch 3.0.2 (14-Oct-2008): Drop rate increased from 0.02% to 1%.

  • Bc icon Patch 2.0.3 (09-Jan-2007): Changed to an epic from rare.

  • WoW Icon 16x16 Patch 1.3.0 (07-Mar-2005): Deathcharger’s Reins can now be used by Tauren

What i got from wowwiki for those who are curious, i think there was an undocumented change, but i do agree with the OP rare is better since people are always gonna run strat one day or another, and classic ain’t going away

Hope this helps.

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The difference between the ZG mounts and the rare Strat drops from Baron is that you can technically run Strat 35 times per week, whereas ZG is just twice.
And give that you’re rolling as 1 in 5 instead of 1 in 20, an obsessed WoW player has a 50 times greater chance of getting Rivendare’s mount than a ZG mount.

I am pretty sure drop tables are based on the database data, so since classic is using the database from 1.12 it should be the drop chance from 1.12. Most of the differences are in places that are controlled by systems other than the database.

My raid leader and I and a few others in my guild farmed for it pretty much non stop and never saw it.

Just one of those things. Every once in a while you will get lucky. Well not you. But some random guy on your server who you will get to be jealous of.

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zg was a 40 man right? im not 100%. but yes, i get what your saying, i can dream too! lol

ZG was a 20 man raid,

It took me 100 runs over 2 days to finally get that mount on retail…

But now I have to imagine what it will be like doing that dungeon at level 60 and competing with 10 other players… it’s going to be impossible to farm for, you’ll just have to hope you get lucky in a group run someday.

I think dreams are great! But at the same time, I hope that your expectations are set properly. If you get it, you might be the only guy on the server with it.

I love my barons death charger.

I forgot the ZG mount even existed. We ran ZG like a million times. Never saw that mount either.

The one I would have killed for is the Phoenix mount from KT. But we only killed him a few times and then moved on to the next raid.

Dream in this context- something I hope happens but probably not.

There is currently so much more wrong with the game; focusing on a mount drop percentage seems very feckless.

Do we have patch notes or complete proof it was buffed over the years?

I know I have spent 14 years farming for the stupid thing and only got it to finally drop for me last year.

I concur.

While I don’t want the drop rate to be any higher, I would like other things addressed and fixed before this rises to the top of the priority list is all.

Been 15 years for me and it’s never dropped. Just pointing that out. Seems like a myth now.